「FM OTSU ENGLISH HOUR」の第16回再放送「Butter — BTS」10月7日放送)テキスト

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Butter — BTS
written by Jenna Andrews, RM, Alex Bilowitz, Sebastian Garcia, Robert Grimaldi, Stephen Kirk and Ron Perry, released in 2021
Thank you for tuning in to the program.
Happy today to talk about BTS, the Grammy awarded Korean group singing “Butter”.
Released in2021.
Written by Jenna Andrews, RM, Alex Bilowitz, Sebastian Garcia, Robert Grimaldi, Stephen Kirk and Ron Perry.
While Jimin, a singer and dancer of BTS, says “no profound meaning in the lyrics”, there are implied playful phrases as tributes to the past hits including Michael Jackson.
BTS (방탄소년단) ‘Butter’ Official MV
Key Phrase
Break into xxx :
enter or open (a place, vehicle, or container) forcibly, especially for the purposes of theft: (ODE)
Succeed in winning a share of a market or a position in a profession: (ODE)
Interrupt a conversation: (ODE)
Suddenly or unexpectedly burst forth into laughter or song: (ODE)
(of a person’s face or mouth) relax into (a smile): (ODE)
Change one’s pace to a faster one:
Breakin’ into your heart like that. (lyrics)
君の心に侵入する、そんな感じで (歌詞)
Phil broke into the discussion. (ODE)
She breaks into tears.
We broke into a loud laughter.
His face broke into a smile.
He broke into a fit of choking laughter. (ODE)
John’s face broke into a grin. (ODE)
The players break into a run.
Greg broke into a sprint. (ODE)
Two raiders broke into his home. (ODE)
Foregin companies have largely failed to break into the domestic equity business. (ODE)
He broke into our conversation.
The text breaks into the history of the temple.
Smooth like butter
Like a criminal undercover
Gon’ pop like trouble
Breakin’ into your heart like that
犯罪者のようにこっそりと (a tribute to Michael Jackson “Smooth Criminal”)
ぽんと弾けるのは、困りごとのよう (Gon’ : Gonna : Going to:)
Cool shade stunner
Yeah, I owe it all to my mother
Hot like summer
Yeah, I’m makin’ you sweat like that
Break it down
君のガードを打ち破るぞ (it: 心に侵入させないガード、と解釈)
Ooh when I look in the mirror
I’ll melt your heart into two
I got the superstar glow so (ooh)
Do the boogie like
A side step, right, left to my beat
High like the moon, rock with me, baby
今がチャンス、幸運の月のカードのように、僕と踊ろう (High: 好機と解釈)
Know that I got that heat
Let me show you ’cause talk is cheap
Side step, right, left to my beat
Get it, let it roll
やってみよう、踊ってみよう (rock with me と roll で rock n roll と解釈)
Smooth like butter
Pull you in like no other
Don’t need no usher
To remind me you got it bad
案内など必要ない (a tribute to Usher “U Got It Bad”)
君が夢中になっていることは分かっているから (a tribute to Usher “U Got It Bad”)
Ain’t no other
That can sweep you up like a robber
Straight up, I got ya
Makin’ you fall like that
Break it down
Ooh, when I look in the mirror
I’ll melt your heart into two
I got the superstar glow so (ooh)
Do the boogie like
Side step, right, left to my beat
High like the moon, rock with me, baby
Know that I got that heat
Let me show you ’cause talk is cheap
Side step, right, left to my beat
Get it, let it roll
Get it, let it roll
Get it, let it roll
Ice on my wrist
I’m that nice guy
Got the right body and the right mind
Rollin’ up to party, got the right vibe
Smooth like (butter)
Hate us (love us)
手に高級時計があったらいいな (ice on my wrist: 高級時計、宝石を持つ)
パーティーへの登場は頃合いを見計らって (Roll up: 車でやってくる、現れる)
Fresh boy pull up and we lay low
All the playas get movin’ when the bass low
Got ARMY right behind us, when we say so
Let’s go
金持ちエリートが到着したら、僕らは控えめにする (Fresh boy: 若年富裕層)
女性好きは踊りだす、ベースの音に合わせて (playa: 女性を好む人)
僕たちの後ろにはファンの親衛隊が来てくれる (ARMY: ファンへの感謝)
Side step, right, left to my beat
High like the moon, rock with me, baby
Know that I got that heat
Let me show you ’cause talk is cheap
Side step, right, left to my beat
Get it, let it roll
Smooth like (butter)
Cool shade (stunner)
And you know we don’t stop
Hot like (summer)
Ain’t no (bummer)
You be like “Oh my god”
We gon’ make you rock and you say (yeah)
We gon’ make you bounce and you say (yeah)
Get it, let it roll
Question of the Day: Could you identify phrases in the lyrics that are the tributes to past hits by Michael Jackson, Usher and Master P?
An article in the journal RollingStone says “the lyricism is playful and also features subtle shoutouts to past hits.” Could anybody out there identify the phrases in the lyrics that are the tributes to the past hits by Michael Jackson, Usher and Master P?
The answer to the question
The phrases listed below are tributes to the past hits:
“Like a criminal undercover” is a tribute to Smooth Criminal” by Michael Jackson;
“Don’t need no usher” and “To remind me you got it bad” are tributes to “U Got It Bad” by Usher;
“Ice On My Wrist” and “Hate us” are tributes to “Ice On My Wrist” by Master P
RollingStone誌の記事によると、「歌詞は遊び心があり、過去のヒット曲への微妙なシャウトも特徴的 」とのことです。歌詞の中にある、Michael Jackson、Usher、Master Pの過去のヒット曲へのオマージュ(尊敬を持って真似ること)となるフレーズをわかりますか?
“Like a criminal undercover “は、マイケル・ジャクソンの「Smooth Criminal」へのオマージュ。
「Don’t need no usher」「To remind me you got it bad」は、Usherの「U Got It Bad」へのオマージュ。
「Ice On My Wrist」 と 「Hate us」 は、Master P の 「Ice On My Wrist」へのオマージュです。
How Written, Recorded, Hit, Criticised or Reflected
The Virus made BTS release this new summer song
Speaking on how “Butter” came about, Variety quoted RM in an interview with Apple Music as saying that “[the band] never expected to release another single, but the virus is getting longer and longer so we thought we need another summer song. We thought we needed another summer number, and ‘Butter’ was perfectly fit for that. And now we’re here”. J-Hope described the recording process as “smooth” and the song as “focus[ed] more on showing each of the members’ charms compared with ‘Dynamite’“.
Butter がどのように生まれたかについて、ニュースサイトVariety はApple MusicのインタビューでのRMの発言を引用し、「(バンドは)別のシングルをリリースするとは思っていなかったが、ウイルスがどんどん長くなっているので、別のサマーソングが必要だと思ったんだ」と述べている。もう1曲夏のナンバーが必要だと思っていたところで”Butter “はそれに完璧にフィットしていた」。J-Hopeはレコーディングの過程を「スムーズだった」とし、曲については「”Dynamite”に比べてメンバーそれぞれの魅力に焦点を当てた」と説明している。
Rolling Stone, “A Energic Summery Dance-pop in vein of Bruno Mars, Jam and Lewis-style”
Initial reports about “Butter” called it “a dance pop track brimming with the smooth yet charismatic charm of BTS”. Rolling Stone described it as “a pure, swaggering dance-pop celebration in the retro vein of Bruno Mars, with layers of Jam and Lewis-style synths”, and RM told the outlet that the song ” is very energetic” and “very summery”.
「Butter」についての最初の報道では、「BTSの滑らかでありながらカリスマ的な魅力にあふれたダンスポップ・トラック」と呼ばれていた。ローリングストーン誌は「Bruno Marsのレトロな流れを汲む、JamとLewisスタイルのシンセを重ねた、純粋でうねるようなダンスポップの祭典」と評し、RMは「とてもエネルギッシュ」で「とても夏らしい」曲だと伝えている。
Forbes, “An Infectious track influenced by 80s and 90s”
Forbes called it an “infectious disco-pop track” similar to “Dynamite”, with a “pulsating, bass-heavy beat and delectable chorus”. Following its release, “Butter” was categorised as a 1980s and 1990s-influenced dance-pop and EDM song with elements of pop rap. The song is in 4/4 common time in the key of A-flat major with a tempo of 110 beats per minute. BTS’ vocal range span from A♭3 to E♭5.
RM, “sounded pretty good and changed half of the original rap parts to align to their style and English fluency”
At a press conference held on the day of the song’s release, RM revealed that while the band wanted to participate in the writing of their next single, they believed “Butter” already sounded “pretty good” and “pretty complete” when they received it, so they chose it out of “many, many songs” that had been sent to them for consideration.
He further explained however, that he “changed or added to about half of the song’s original rap sections” because “some of the parts like the rap were not fully compatible with our style”, and despite there still being “some gaps” in his fluency with English “it came together really quickly since there weren’t that many rap sections in the song”.
RM曰く「かなりいい音で、オリジナルのラップ部分の半分を変えて、彼らのスタイルと英 語力を合わせた」
Suga, “English language barrier was still a problem”
Suga also tried writing for the song, as he had actively been studying English during the year prior, but the language barrier was still a problem, so his suggestions were “immediately dropped. No questions, no consideration — just immediately binned”.
Jimin, “no profound meaning, just to be easy to listen”
Lyrically, like “Dynamite”, “Butter” has “no heavy message”; Jimin noted that there was no profound meaning behind the track and that the goal was for it to be “easy to listen to”.
Korean media, “BTS’ smooth-like-butter unrivalled charms melted into the song”
A video teaser released on May 18 offered the first preview of the song’s lyrics; the line “Get it! Let it roll!” was briefly heard at the end of the clip. Korean news media later reported that the lyrics to “Butter” “cutely confess a sweet, romantic love”, and had “BTS’ smooth-like-butter unrivalled charms melted into the song”.
5月18日に公開された予告編動画で、この曲の歌詞が初めて公開された。「Get it! Let it roll」 というセリフが映像の最後に短く聞こえる。その後、韓国のニュースメディアは「Butter」の歌詞について、「甘くロマンチックな愛をかわいらしく告白している」、「BTSの滑らかなバターのような無類の魅力が曲に溶けている」と報じた。
“Butter” was viewed by more than 3.9 million YouTube concurrent viewers surpassing their own
“Butter”‘s premiere garnered over 3.9 million peak concurrent viewers on YouTube, surpassing previous record holder “Dynamite”‘s over 3 million concurrents attained in August 2020, and set a new all-time record for the biggest music video premiere on the platform. It became the fastest YouTube video to reach 10–100 million views, achieving the former in its first 13 minutes—”Dynamite” did so in 20 minutes —and the latter in 21 hours—three hours faster than “Dynamite”.
It also became the most viewed YouTube video in the first 24 hours, amassing 108.2 million views—another all-time high on the platform, and set four new Guinness World Records. This gave BTS the top two spots for the biggest YouTube premieres and 24-hour music debuts in the platform’s history. “Butter” crossed 200 million views on May 25, surpassing all milestone records up to that point in just four days and one hour, compared to “Dynamite”‘s four days and 12 hours.
“Butter “は、YouTubeの同時視聴者数が390万人を超え、自己最高を記録
“Butter “の初公開は、YouTubeでのピーク同時視聴者数が390万人を超え、これまでの記録者である「ダイナマイト」が2020年8月に達成した300万人を超え、同プラットフォームにおける最大のミュージックビデオ初公開の歴代最高記録を樹立した。また、再生回数1,000万回~1億回をYouTube最速で達成し、前者は開始13分(「Dynamite」は20分)、後者は21時間(「Dynamite」よりも3時間早く達成)で達成。
また、最初の24時間で1億820万ビューを記録し、YouTubeで最も視聴された動画となり、ギネスワールドレコードを4つも更新した。BTSは、YouTubeの歴史上、最も大きな初演と24時間の音楽デビューの2冠を達成した。”Butter “は5月25日に2億ビューを超え、”Dynamite “の4日と12時間に対し、わずか4日と1時間でそれまでのすべてのマイルストーン記録を上回ったのである。
BTS’s ‘Butter’ Sticks At No. 1 For Fifth-Straight Week—Breaking This Record Held By Aerosmith
BTS has officially ruled the month of June in the music world, with the group’s latest hit, Butter, topping the Billboard Hot 100 chart for five weeks in a row now—setting a new record for the longest streak ever held for a No. 1 debut by a group.
For almost 23 years, Aerosmith’s I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing held the record after the hit debuted at No. 1 and held the top spot for four weeks in a row.
Butter racked up 12.4 million U.S. streams, 27.6 million radio airplay impressions and 128,400 downloads over the past week, according to Billboard—which are the stats used to determine the Hot 100.
Based on those numbers, the song has actually become more popular from the week before, which is the first time that’s happened since the single debuted at No. 1 on the June 5 chart.
BTSは6月の音楽界を公式に支配し、グループの最新ヒット曲「Butter」がBillboard Hot100 チャートで5週連続1位を獲得し、グループによるデビュー曲の最長連続記録を更新している。
この記録は、エアロスミスの「I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing」がデビューから4週連続で1位を獲得して以来、約23年間保持されてきたもの。
Radio is a mainstream and nowadays followed by music apps such as TikTok
Though streams were down by 1%, radio plays went up 6% and downloads soared 15%, according to Billboard.
Most No. 1 hits taper off in popularity after a short run at the top, but Butter has had a consistent rise in radio plays over the past few weeks.
Songs played on the radio are typically regarded as mainstream hits, and often come after earlier popularity on streaming services and music apps like TikTok.
BTS appears 3 times in the biggest drop from number one in Billboard Hot 100 chart
– List of Billboard Hot 100 chart achievements and milestones – Wikipedia
1–38 Taylor Swift “Willow” January 2, 2021
1–34 6ix9ine and Nicki Minaj “Trollz” July 4, 2020
1–28 BTS “Life Goes On” December 12, 2020
1–25 Travis Scott featuring Young Thug and M.I.A.
“Franchise” October 17, 2020
1–17 The Weeknd “Heartless” December 21, 2019
BTS”Butter”September 18, 2021
1–15 Billy Preston “Nothing from Nothing” October 26, 1974
Dionne Warwicke and The Spinners
“Then Came You” November 2, 1974
1–13Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
“Stuck with U” May 30, 2020
1–12 Simon & Garfunkel “The Sound of Silence” January 29, 1966
Barry White”Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Babe”September 28, 1974
Andy Kim”Rock Me Gently”October 5, 1974
Stevie Wonder”You Haven’t Done Nothin'”November 9, 1974
Bachman–Turner Overdrive
“You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet” November 16, 1974
John Lennon and Plastic Ono Band
“Whatever Gets You thru the Night” November 23, 1974
The Scotts, Travis Scott and Kid Cudi
“The Scotts” May 16, 2020
Coldplay and BTS”My Universe”October 16, 2021
BTSはBillboard Hot 100チャートの1位からの最大の下落で3回登場する
1–38 Taylor Swift “Willow” January 2, 2021
1–34 6ix9ine and Nicki Minaj “Trollz” July 4, 2020
1–28 BTS “Life Goes On” December 12, 2020
1–25 Travis Scott featuring Young Thug and M.I.A.
“Franchise” October 17, 2020
1–17 The Weeknd “Heartless” December 21, 2019
BTS “Butter” September 18, 2021
1–15 Billy Preston “Nothing from Nothing” October 26, 1974
Dionne Warwicke and The Spinners
“Then Came You” November 2, 1974
1–13Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber
“Stuck with U” May 30, 2020
1–12 Simon & Garfunkel “The Sound of Silence” January 29, 1966
Barry White”Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Babe”September 28, 1974
Andy Kim”Rock Me Gently”October 5, 1974
Stevie Wonder”You Haven’t Done Nothin'”November 9, 1974
Bachman–Turner Overdrive
“You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet” November 16, 1974
John Lennon and Plastic Ono Band
“Whatever Gets You thru the Night” November 23, 1974
The Scotts, Travis Scott and Kid Cudi
“The Scotts” May 16, 2020
Coldplay and BTS “My Universe” October 16, 2021
A Billboard article says “the rank in the chart was boosted by the fans’ ‘above-board means’ such as buying multiple copies of the song” – Butter (song) – Wikipedia
In an article published by Billboard in August 2021, the magazine pointed out that the band’s fans have “through above-board means” taken advantage of loopholes in chart tabulations to boost the ranks of singles such as “Butter” in the US and help the song top the Hot 100 for multiple weeks.
2021年8月にビルボードが掲載した記事で、同誌はバンドのファンがチャート集計の抜け穴を利用して「あからさまな手段で」米国での「Butter」などのシングルのランクを上げ、同曲がHot 100で複数週にわたって上位に入るのに貢献したと指摘した。
Sales of the song is mostly driven by sales record such as multiple copies purchases at BTS’ fansite, PayPal purchase in US done by crowdfunded money collected from worldwide fans
While the chart performance of singles on the Hot 100 typically depend on streaming and airplay, that of “Butter” was notably driven mostly by sales (the bulk of which came from BTS’ webstore, which allows fans to buy multiple copies of a song, unlike iTunes) and by fan-led crowdfunding efforts (including using money collected from fans worldwide on services like PayPal to make purchases that count toward US sales only).
Hot 100のシングルのチャートパフォーマンスは、通常ストリーミングとエアプレイに依存するが、「Butter」のそれは、ほとんどが販売(その大部分は、iTunesとは異なり、ファンが曲を複数枚購入できるBTSのウェブストアで売られた)とファン主導のクラウドファンディング(世界中のファンからPayPalなどのサービスで集めたお金を使って購入し、米国のみの売上にカウントすることも含む)により牽引されていたことが特徴的であった。
Korean Times article says “Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande too employed similar measures which are merely ‘intelligent consumers global trend’”
However, an article in The Korea Times pushed back against claims of chart manipulation. It opined that fanbases of other artists such as Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande have employed similar promotional measures, that such measures were neither illegal or unethical, and that fans engaging in those measures were merely “intelligent consumers leading global trends”.
RM(Kim Nam-joon, the leader of BTS) says “It’s up to Billboard to change to weigh streaming more than purchasing by our fans”
“But if there is a conversation inside Billboard about what being No. 1 should represent, then it’s up to them to change the rules and make streaming weigh more on the ranking. Slamming us or our fans for getting to No. 1 with physical sales and downloads, I don’t know if that’s right … It just feels like we’re easy targets because we’re a boy band, a K-pop act, and we have this high fan loyalty.” – RM, Billboard
「しかし、ビルボード内部でNo.1になることが何を表すべきかという話が出ているのなら、ルールを変えてストリーミングをランキングにもっと反映させるのはビルボード次第です。物理的な売り上げとダウンロードで1位を獲得したことで私たちやファンを非難するのは、それが正しいかどうかわからない……。私たちはボーイズバンドであり、K-POPアーティストであり、高いファンロイヤリティを持っているので、簡単にターゲットにされているように感じます」。 – RM、ビルボード
Who is BTS?
BTS(Bang Tan Sonyeondan), a South Korean boy band
Formed in 2010,
debuted in 2013 under Big Hit Entertainment.
Septet consisting of following members;
Jin: Kim Seok-jin (born December 4, 1992), a singer, songwriter
Suga: Min Yoon-gi (born March 9, 1993), a rapper, songwriter and record producer
J-Hope: Jung Ho-seok (born February 18, 1994), a rapper, songwriter, dancer, and record producer
RM: Kim Nam-joon (born September 12, 1994), the BTS leader, a rapper, songwriter and record producer
Jimin: Park Ji-min (born October 13, 1995), a singer and dancer
V: Kim Tae-hyung (born December 30, 1995),a singer and songwriter
Jungkook: Jeon Jung-kook (born September 1, 1997), a singer and songwriter
Originally a hip hop group, their musical style has evolved to include a wide range of genres.
BTS(Bang Tan Sonyeondan:防弾少年団)は、韓国のボーイズバンド。
2013年にBig Hit Entertainmentよりデビュー。
ジン(Jin: キム・ソクジン(1992年12月4日生まれ)、シンガーソングライター
ジョングク チョン・ジョングク(1997年9月1日生まれ)、シンガーソングライター
2010–2014: Formation and early years: Even the producer Ban Si-hyuk, a big name in Korean entertainment business, struggled for BTS success tracing other succeeded groups’ style – BTS – Wikipedia
BTS was formed in 2010 after Big Hit Entertainment CEO Bang Si-hyuk met RM and was impressed by his rapping skills. BTS was originally supposed to be a hip hop group similar to YG Entertainment’s 1TYM, but soon after the group was created, Bang Si-hyuk decided to create an idol group similar to Seo Taiji and Boys, a group which was popular in the 90’s. However, unlike Seo Taiji’s music, BTS’ songs were less socially conscious, given the strict regulation of K-pop bands at the time of the group’s formation. Originally slated to debut in 2011, the group featured on several tracks by artists like 2AM and Lee Seung-gi before their debut was postponed. They were later reorganized into a more traditional idol group. Six months prior to their debut, they began to gain attention for their presence on various social media websites, as well as song covers on YouTube and SoundCloud.
2010-2014: 結成と初期。韓国芸能界の大物プロデューサー、バン・シヒョクも苦戦したBTSの成功 他の成功したグループのスタイルをなぞる
BTSは2010年、Big Hit EntertainmentのCEOであるバン・シヒョクがRMと出会い、彼のラップの腕前に感銘を受け、結成された。BTSはもともとYGエンターテインメントの1TYMのようなヒップホップグループになるはずだったが、グループ誕生後すぐにバン・シヒョクは90年代に人気を博したソ・タイジとボーイズのようなアイドルグループを作ろうと考えた。しかし、BTSの楽曲はソ・タイジの楽曲とは異なり、結成当時のK-POPバンドに対する厳しい規制を考慮し、社会的な意識は低いものであった。2011年にデビューする予定だったBTSは、2AMやイ・スンギなどの楽曲に参加した後、デビューが延期された。その後、より伝統的なアイドルグループとして再編成された。デビューの半年前から、YouTubeやSoundCloudでカバー曲を発表するなど、さまざまなSNSでその存在感を発揮し、注目を集めるようになった。
Suga, “Started to tell what others could not or would not tell”
We started to tell the stories that people wanted to hear and were ready to hear, stories that other people could not or would not tell. We said what other people were feeling—like pain, anxieties and worries. That was our goal, to create this empathy that people can relate to. —Suga
On June 12, 2013, BTS released their debut single album 2 Cool 4 Skool (the first entry in their “school trilogy” series), along with the lead single “No More Dream”, which quickly fell off the charts. The album, however, reached the top five in South Korea on the Gaon Music Chart. Their subsequent single, “We Are Bulletproof Pt. 2”, failed to chart. In 2 Cool 4 Skool, BTS employed an old-school hip-hop sound from the 1980s–90s. The single album’s release was followed by several appearances on Korean music shows. Despite being unpolished, critics say these early live performances demonstrated BTS’ potential. Expanding their endeavors to Japan, “No More Dream” was re-recorded in Japanese and released in June 2014.
In September 2013, BTS released the second entry in their “school trilogy”: the extended play O!RUL8,2? This record was released alongside the single “N.O,”. Despite several performances on Korean music shows, the single quickly fell off the charts. That same month, BTS starred in their own variety show, SBS MTV’s Rookie King Channel Bangtan, in which members parodied variety shows such as VJ Special Forces and MasterChef Korea. At the end of the year, BTS was recognized with several New Artist of the Year awards, including at the 2013 Melon Music Awards, 28th Golden Disc Awards, and the 23rd Seoul Music Awards.
スガ 「他の人が伝えられないこと、伝えようとしないことを伝え始めた」
私たちは、他の人たちが伝えられない、あるいは伝えようとしない物語を、人々が聞きたい、聞こうとする物語を伝え始めました。他の人たちが感じている痛み、不安、心配を表現したのです。それが、私たちが目指したものです。 -スガ
2013年6月12日、BTSはデビューシングルアルバム『2 Cool 4 Skool』(学校3部作の1作目)とリードシングル「No More Dream」をリリースしたが、すぐにチャートから脱落してしまった。しかし、このアルバムは韓国のGaon Music Chartでトップ5入りを果たした。その後のシングル「We Are Bulletproof Pt.2」はチャートインに至らなかった。2 Cool 4 Skool』でBTSは、1980年代から90年代にかけてのオールドスクールなヒップホップサウンドを採用した。シングルアルバムのリリース後、韓国の音楽番組に何度か出演した。批評家たちは、この初期のライブ・パフォーマンスがBTSの可能性を示していると言う。日本での活動を広げ、「No More Dream」は日本語で再録音され、2014年6月にリリースされた。
2013年9月、BTSは「スクール3部作」の2作目となるエクステンデッド・プレイ『O!RUL8,2?』をリリースした。この記録は、シングル「N.O,」と一緒にリリースされた。韓国の音楽番組で何度かパフォーマンスを行ったものの、このシングルはすぐにチャートから姿を消した。同月、BTSは自身のバラエティ番組『SBS MTV’s Rookie King Channel Bangtan』に出演し、メンバーがVJ特殊部隊やMasterChef Koreaなどのバラエティ番組のパロディを披露した。年末には、2013 Melon Music Awards、28th Golden Disc Awards、23th Seoul Music Awardsなど、複数のNew Artist of the Yearを受賞したBTSは、その実力を認められ注目を浴びることになった。
Their Lyrics tend to focus on commentary, mental health and so on – BTS – Wikipedia
Their lyrics, often focused on personal and social commentary, touch on the themes of mental health, troubles of school-age youth and coming of age, loss, the journey towards loving oneself, and individualism. Their work also often references literature and psychological concepts and includes an alternative universe storyline.
Started with Korean-language studio album followed by Japanese-language one in 2014 – BTS – Wikipedia
After debuting in 2013 with their single album 2 Cool 4 Skool, BTS released their first Korean-language studio album, Dark & Wild, and Japanese-language studio album, Wake Up, in 2014. The group’s second Korean studio album, Wings (2016), was their first to sell one million copies in South Korea. By 2017, BTS crossed into the global music market, leading the Korean Wave into the United States and breaking numerous sales records.
They became the first Korean group to receive a certification from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for their single “Mic Drop”, as well as the first Korean act to top the US Billboard 200 with their studio album Love Yourself: Tear (2018).
2013年にシングルアルバム『2 Cool 4 Skool』でデビューしたBTSは、2014年に初の韓国語版スタジオアルバム『Dark & Wild』と日本語版スタジオアルバム『Wake Up』をリリースした。韓国語2枚目のスタジオ・アルバム『Wings』(2016年)は、グループとして初めて韓国で100万枚を売り上げた。2017年には、BTSは世界の音楽市場に渡り、米国への韓流をリードし、数々のセールス記録を塗り替えた。
彼らはシングル「Mic Drop」で韓国グループとして初めて全米レコード協会(RIAA)の認定を受け、またスタジオアルバム「Love Yourself: Tear」で韓国勢として初めて米ビルボード200のトップに輝いた。(2018年)。
Ranked with the Beatles to earn 4 albums in less that 2 years in US – BTS – Wikipedia
BTS became one of the few groups since the Beatles to earn four US number-one albums in less than two years, and Love Yourself: Answer (2018) was the first Korean album certified Platinum by the RIAA.
In 2020, BTS became the first all-South Korean act to reach number one on the Billboard Global 200 and US Billboard Hot 100 with their Grammy-nominated single “Dynamite”.
Their follow-up releases “Savage Love”, “Life Goes On”, “Butter”, and “Permission to Dance” made BTS the act quickest to accumulate five US number-one singles since Michael Jackson.
Having sold over 32 million albums on the Gaon Music Chart, BTS is the best-selling artist in South Korean history and holds the best-selling album in South Korea with Map of the Soul: 7.
BTSは、ビートルズ以来、2年以内に4枚の全米ナンバーワン・アルバムを獲得した数少ないグループのひとつとなり、『Love Yourself: Answer』(2018年)は、RIAAからプラチナ認定された初の韓国産アルバムとなった。
その後リリースした「Savage Love」、「Life Goes On」、「Butter」、「Permission to Dance」により、BTSはマイケル・ジャクソン以来、最も早く5枚の全米ナンバー1シングルを積み重ねたアクトとなった。
Gaon Music Chartで3200万枚以上のアルバムを売り上げたBTSは、韓国史上最も売れたアーティストであり、「Map of the Soul: 7」で韓国で最も売れたアルバムを保持している。
Named, charted, headlined or appeared in various awards and halls of fame in US and the world including Grammy Awards and Brit Awards – BTS – Wikipedia
They are the first Asian and non-English speaking act to be named the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry’s (IFPI) Global Recording Artist of the Year (2020–2021), to chart on Billboard’s Top Touring Artists of the 2010s (placing at number 45), and to headline and sell out Wembley Stadium and the Rose Bowl (Love Yourself World Tour in 2019). Featured on Time’s international cover as “Next Generation Leaders” and dubbed “Princes of Pop”, BTS has also appeared on the magazine’s lists of the 25 most influential people on the internet (2017–2019) and the 100 most influential people in the world (2019).
The group’s numerous accolades include six American Music Awards, 12 Billboard Music Awards, 24 Golden Disk Awards, and nominations for two Grammy Awards and two Brit Awards.
アジア人で非英語圏のアーティストとして初めて国際レコード産業連盟(IFPI)のグローバル・レコーディング・アーティスト・オブ・ザ・イヤー(2020-2021)に選ばれ、ビルボードの2010年代のトップ・ツアー・アーティストにチャートイン(45位)、ウェンブリー・スタジアムとローズボウル(2019年のLove Yourself World Tour)でヘッドラインを務め完売させた。タイム誌の国際的な表紙で「次世代のリーダー」として紹介され、「Princes of Pop」と呼ばれるBTSは、同誌の「インターネット上で最も影響力のある25人(2017~2019)」と「世界で最も影響力のある100人(2019)」のリストにも登場しました。
また、American Music Awards 6回、Billboard Music Awards 12回、Golden Disk Awards 24回、Grammy Awards 2回、Brit Awards 2回のノミネートなど、数々の賞賛を浴びている。
Joined Humanitarian activities – BTS – Wikipedia
Outside of music, they partnered with UNICEF to establish the Love Myself anti-violence campaign, addressed three sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, and became the youngest ever recipients of the Order of Cultural Merit from the President of South Korea due to their contributions in spreading Korean culture and language.
音楽以外では、ユニセフと提携して反暴力キャンペーン「Love Myself」を立ち上げ、国連総会で3回演説し、韓国の文化と言語を広めることに貢献したとして、韓国大統領から史上最年少で文化勲章を受章している。
RollingStone: BTS Drop Smooth, Groovy Single ‘Butter’ – BTS Drop Smooth, Groovy Single ‘Butter’ (rollingstoneindia.com)
RM acknowledges in his raps the BTS fandom ARMY’s unconditional love and support
The group move on to deliver power-packed performances against an array of flamboyant backdrops while rappers SUGA, RM, and j-hope take over for their verses. Notably, RM takes the opportunity to acknowledge the BTS fandom ARMY’s unconditional love and support as he raps, “Fresh boy pull up and we lay low/ All the playas get movin’ when the bass low/ Got ARMY right behind us when we say so/ Let’s go.” The group also incorporated the word ‘ARMY’ into their choreography as a special gift.
BTSは、華やかな背景の中でパワーあふれるパフォーマンスを披露し、SUGA、RM、j-hopeの3人のラッパーがそれぞれの詩を担当。特にRMは、”Fresh boy pull up and we lay low/ All the playas get movin’ when the bass low/ Got ARMY right behind us when we say so/ Let’s go “というラップで、BTSファンのARMYの無条件の愛とサポートを認めている。また、彼らは特別な贈り物として、「ARMY」という言葉を振り付けに取り入れた。
Shoutouts to past hits such as “U Got It Bad” by Usher, “Ice On My Wrist” by Master P and “Smooth Criminal” by Michael Jackson
Written by Rob Grimaldi, Stephen Kirk, Ron Perry, Jenna Andrews, Alex Bilowitz, Sebastian Garcia and BTS’ leader RM, “Butter” is an upbeat, fresh, yet nostalgic celebration of summer. The lyricism is playful and also features subtle shoutouts to past hits such as “U Got It Bad” by Usher, “Ice On My Wrist” by Master P and “Smooth Criminal” by Michael Jackson, while the production is a blend of shimmering Eighties bass synth and dance pop.
アッシャーの「U Got It Bad」、マスターPの「Ice On My Wrist」、マイケル・ジャクソンの「Smooth Criminal」など過去のヒット曲への喝采も
Rob Grimaldi, Stephen Kirk, Ron Perry, Jenna Andrews, Alex Bilowitz, Sebastian GarciaとBTSのリーダーRMによって書かれた「Butter」は、アップビートで新鮮、かつノスタルジックな夏を楽しむための曲。歌詞は遊び心があり、アッシャーの「U Got It Bad」、マスターPの「Ice On My Wrist」、マイケル・ジャクソンの「Smooth Criminal」など過去のヒット曲へのさりげないシャウトもあり、プロダクションは煌めく80年代のベースシンセとダンスポップをブレンドしている。
BTS is ready to collaborate with Queen
The group also addressed the comparison of “Butter” to legendary rock band Queen’s “Another One Bites The Dust” (and the latter’s subsequent shoutout to BTS, tweeted back but deleted, reportedly) with RM stating, “Queen, they are our seniors of course. Obviously when we were at Wembley stadium, this was when ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ was really popular in Korea, and we did the [shoutout.] But “Butter” was not a sampling or homage, I can say that with certainty.” Vocalist Jin added that if there is ever an opportunity for a collaboration with Queen however, BTS are more than ready.
また、「Butter」を伝説のロックバンド、クイーンの「Another One Bites The Dust」と比較したこと(そしてその後、後者がBTSに向けたエールを送り、ツイートを返したが削除したとされる)にも触れ、RMは「クイーンはもちろん我々の先輩たちだ。ウェンブリー・スタジアムにいたとき、韓国で『ボヘミアン・ラプソディ』がすごく流行っていたときで、(声を出した)。でも『Butter』はサンプリングやオマージュではない、それは断言できる。”と。ボーカルのジンは、しかし、もしクイーンとのコラボレーションの機会があれば、BTSはその準備ができていると付け加えた。
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