「FM OTSU ENGLISH HOUR」の第15回再放送「I’m Yours — Jason Mraz」(9月30日放送)テキスト

I’m Yours — Jason Mraz
from the album ”We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things.”, written by Jason Mraz, released in 2008
Thank you for tuning in to the program.
Happy today to talk about Jason Mraz singing “I’m Yours”.
Released in2008 (Mraz at age 31) and included in the album “We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things.”
Written by Jason Mraz, just came out of his spirited, joyful hour.
Described as a song “about finally giving into love and life’s possibilities.”
今日はジェイソン・ムラーズが歌う「I’m Yours」についてお話させていただきます。
2008年(Mraz 31歳)にリリースされ、アルバム「We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things 」に収録されています。
Key Phrase
Rid yourself of xxx :
自身を xxx から自由にする、自身から xxx を取り除く
Get rid of xxx :
xxx から自由になる、xxx を取り除く
It’s what we aim to do; To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons. (lyrics)
Let’s get rid of vanities and just go with the flow.
Rid yourself of the way of hesitation and be free.
Get rid of the way of hesitation and be free.
You need to rid yourself of bad habits such as eating too much.
You should get rid of bad habits such as eating too much.
I asked him to rid himself of unwanted repulsive things. (Google suggestion)
I asked him to get rid of unwanted repulsive things. (Google suggestion)
Ken tried to rid himself of his guests. (OSD)
Ken tried to get rid of his guests.
Young people are seeking to rid their county of its unwanted image. (OSD)
The authority is to discuss the way forward in ridding the city of unwanted homes. (OSD)
Well, you done done me in, you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill, but you’re so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
Now I’m trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I’ll be giving it my bestest
And nothing’s gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it’s again my turn
この素敵な時(the cool)が過ぎ去る前に
神様の介入(divine intervention)以外に僕を止めることはできない
To win some or learn some
But I won’t hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I’m yours
Hmm (hey, hey)
今すぐ、僕は君のもの(It – that/when構文)
Well, open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and, damn, you’re free
And look into your heart and you’ll find love, love, love, love
Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing
We’re just one big family
And it’s our God-forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved, loved, loved
So I won’t hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I’m sure
There’s no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I’m yours
今すぐ、僕は君のもの(It – that/when構文)
Do, do, do, do you, but do you, do you, do, do, but do you want to come on?
Scooch on over closer, dear
And I will nibble your ear
Uh-huh, mmm-hmm
I’ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I laughed
僕も、鏡の前でずいぶん長い時間かけて、言い方(my tongue)をチェックしてる
もっと頑張って(bending over backwards)、言い方(it = my tongue)を磨く
ところが、僕の息で鏡が曇る 曇った鏡に顔の絵を描いて、思わず吹き出した
I guess what I’ve been saying is there ain’t no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
It’s what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue
But I won’t hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I’m yours
Well, open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and, damn, you’re free
And look into your heart, and you’ll find that the sky is yours
今すぐ、僕は君のもの(It – that/when構文)
So please don’t, please don’t, please don’t
There’s no need to complicate
‘Cause our time is short
This, oh this, this is our fate, I’m yours
Oh, I’m yours
Oh, I’m yours
Oh, whoa, baby, do you believe I’m yours?
You best believe, you best believe I’m yours, mmm-hmm
Question of the Day: What does the word “vanities” mean in this context?
Mraz wrote “To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons, It’s what we aim to do”. The word “vanity” has several meaning according to the Oxford English Dictionary as follows;
- [mass noun] Excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements:
- It flattered his vanity to think I was in love with him.
- [count noun] the vanities and ambitions of politicians.
- [mass noun] The quality of being worthless or futile:
- The vanity of human wishes.
- A dressing table. (North American)
Which one is the most suitable to the context?
質問:歌詞にある Vanities とはどういう意味?
歌詞には To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons, It’s what we aim to do とあります。vanity という単語は、オックスフォード英語辞典によると、以下のようにいくつかの意味があるそうです。
- [数えられない名詞] 自分の外見や業績に対する過度の自尊心や賞賛。
- (例)私が彼に恋をしていると思うことは、彼の虚栄心を刺激する。
- (例)[数えられる名詞]政治家の虚栄心や野心。
- [数えられない名詞] 無価値または無益であるという性質。
- (例)人間の願いの虚栄心。
- 鏡台 [北アメリカ]
Possible answer to the question
We could interpret the word “vanities” to mean a dressing table as a tool to makeup your real figure; It relates to the mirror in which he has spent a long time checking his tongue. He as well might look into the mirror of a dressing table.
Tweeted as follows:
“Vanities” in I’m Yours are dressing tables? or just excessive pride? I think it relates to “the mirror” in which you check your tongue…
And got the comments as follows:
“I guess what I’ve been saying is there ain’t no better reason. To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons.”….these are the lyrics and i interpret vanities as pride rather than furniture of a vanity mirror or vanity table. — Andy Taylor
Vanities in this case are definitely pride. — Melvina Arnott
Some of this is less clear and open to interpretation and it depends what he was thinking about when he wrote this but I see it as checking his way of speaking and “bending over backwards” means trying hard or making extra effort to see it clearer rather than the physical act of bending his body. To bend over backwards is an informal phrase which means “to try very hard to do something good or helpful” . I hope this helps and doesn’t make it more complicated! — Andy Taylor
The way I understand this lyric is just be who you are, embrace who you are and go with it, however long and however many ways you look into the mirror don’t be too vain, just accept it. — Paul Alderslade
Receiving these suggestive comments, we interpret the word “vanities” as “prides” here. And, as Paul mentioned, we may take account of it in that you would be too vain if you looked into the mirror too much, and in terms of that, “foppery” could be suitable to the context.
Andy, Melvina and Paul, thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts.
“Vanities” を「鏡台」と解釈できるかもしれません。彼が長い時間をかけて覗き込んでいる「鏡」にもつながりますし。
I’m Yoursの “Vanities “はドレッシングテーブル?それとも単なる「見栄」?「言い方」をチェックする「鏡」”と関係があるのでは…。
「僕が言いたかったのは、そこに格好の良い理由なんかない、ってことさ。 vanities を捨てて、季節の流れに身を任せること」…この歌詞ですが、 vanities とは、化粧鏡や化粧台といった家具ではなく、プライドのことだと解釈しています。 — アンディ・テイラー
この場合の vanities は、間違いなくプライドです。 — メルヴィーナ・アーノット
この中には、あまり明確でない解釈もあり、彼が何を考えてこれを書いたのかにもよりますが、私の解釈は、彼が話し方を確認し、「bending over backwards」は、体を曲げるという物理的行為よりも、より明確に見るために努力する、特別な努力をする、という意味だと見ています。to bend over backwardsは、「何か良いことや役に立つことをするために一生懸命に努力する」という意味のインフォーマルなフレーズです。これ以上複雑にならないように、お役に立てれば幸いです。 — アンディ・テイラー
私のこの歌詞の解釈は、ただ自分自身であること、その自身を受け入れて、それに従うこと、どんなに時間をかけて鏡を見ても、あまり見栄を張らないで、ただそれを受け入れること、です。 — ポール・オルダースレイド
これら、いただいたコメントから、vanities はプライド、見栄との解釈が妥当。ポールさんのコメントにある「鏡を見すぎて、見栄をはりすぎないこと」から考えると、「化粧鏡」は不適切でも「おめかし」あたりが、適切かもしれません。
How Written, Recorded, Hit, Criticised or Reflected:
“I’m Yours” is a song written and recorded by American singer-songwriter Jason Mraz, released in 2008 as the first single from his third studio album We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things..
It was the only song to crack Billboard’s top 600 of all time chart despite never cracking the top 5.
I’m Yours」は、アメリカのシンガーソングライターJason Mrazが作曲・録音した曲で、2008年にリリースされた彼の3枚目のスタジオアルバム『We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things.』からのファーストシングル。
#1 in Sweden, Norway and New Zealand; top 10 in Canada, US, Austria, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Italy
It is Mraz’s most successful global single to date, reaching number one in Sweden and Norway, and the top ten in Canada, United States, Austria, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Italy. It was also able to reach number one on the Top 40 Digital Track Chart in Australia. In Hawaii, radio stations do play the original version, along with a Hawaiian remix of the song. “I’m Yours” was also a huge hit in New Zealand where it peaked at number one, knocking off “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga which spent ten consecutive weeks at number one.
スウェーデンとノルウェーで1位、カナダ、アメリカ、オーストリア、オーストラリア、ドイツ、スイス、スペイン、イタリアでトップ10入りを果たし、Mrazにとってこれまでで最も成功したグローバルなシングルとなった。オーストラリアではトップ40デジタルトラック・チャートで1位を獲得。ハワイでは、ラジオ局でオリジナルバージョンとハワイアンリミックスを流している。ニュージーランドでも大ヒットし、10週連続で1位を獲得したレディー・ガガの「Poker Face」を抑えて1位を獲得。
Swedish Fans were ecstatic and singing along at a festival in 2007; Mraz got confident of its popularity
The lead single, “I’m Yours”, was written in August 2004 and originally released as a free acoustic B-side when Mr. A-Z came out. Through Mraz’s live performances of the song, it gained in popularity with fans. When he played it at a festival in Sweden in 2007, the fans were ecstatic and singing along, after which Mraz realized the song’s popularity and decided to make it the centerpiece of his next album.
リード・シングル「I’m Yours」は、2004年8月に作曲され、当初は「Mr.A-Z」の発売時にアコースティックB面として無料でリリースされた。2004年8月、『Mr.A-Z』発売時にアコースティックB面として無料配布されたこの曲は、ムラーズのライブパフォーマンスを通じて、ファンの間で人気を博していく。2007年にスウェーデンのフェスティバルで演奏したところ、ファンが大合唱し、その人気の高さを実感したムラーズは、次のアルバムの目玉曲とすることを決定した。
YouTube video got over 620 million views
The music video debuted on March 14, 2008. I’m Yours was later featured as the Record of the Week on Scott Mills’s BBC Radio One show on November 10, 2008. Since being added to YouTube it has been viewed over 620 million times as of late March 2021. It was filmed in Hawaii (Oahu and Kauai) in 2008 with veteran music video director Darren Doane.
ミュージックビデオを2008年3月14日に発表。I’m Yoursはその後、2008年11月10日にスコット・ミルズのBBC Radio Oneの番組で「今週のレコード」として紹介された。YouTubeに追加されて以来、2021年3月下旬時点で6億2千万回以上再生されている。2008年にハワイ(オアフ島とカウアイ島)で、ベテランミュージックビデオディレクター、ダレン・ドーンとともに撮影された。
Mraz said “It just came out of this spirited, joyful hour.”
Mraz explained that this song is “about finally giving into love and life’s possibilities.” When we spoke with the singer in 2014, he said it came to him very quickly – so fast that he doesn’t even remember sitting down to write it. “‘I’m Yours’ just came out of joy,” he said. “It came out of this spirited, joyful hour.”
Since the release of the 2005 demo version of the track, hundreds of fans have posted versions of themselves covering the track on YouTube. “I never instigated any of the covers. But I can see why people are drawn to the song, and because it is about generosity, I wanted to share it.”
ムラーズはこの曲は「愛と人生の可能性についに身を委ねること」についての曲だ、と説明している。2014年のインタビューでは、この曲があっという間に思い浮かんだ、-座って書いたことを覚えていないほどだった、と言っている。I’m Yoursは、「この高揚した楽しい時間から生まれた曲」と続けている。
“I’m Yours” is fundamentally based on the philosophy of making the most of the moment. – Jessica Shelton, Writer at Song Meanings and Facts
Based on Mraz’s philosophy of making the most hf the moment
Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours” is fundamentally based on the philosophy of making the most of the moment. Mraz penned the tune when he was in a really-good mood. And throughout, he is addressing his romantic interest. And as can be ascertained from the onset, he is ready to give himself fully to this individual. But overall what Jason is really submitting to, once again, is the idea of embracing the moment. And in that regard, the addressee is someone whom he feels needs to partake of this experience with him.
“I’m Yours “の根底にあるのは「今を最大限に楽しむ」という哲学。 – ジェシカ・シェルトン(歌の意味と事実サイトの記者)
ジェイソン・ムラーズの「I’m Yours」は、「今を最大限に楽しむ」という哲学に基づいている。ムラーズはこの曲を、本当にいい気分のときに書き上げた。終始、彼は自分のロマンチックな関心事に向き合っている。この曲の冒頭からわかるように、彼はその相手に自分を完全に捧げる覚悟がある。しかし、全体としてジェイソンが本当に服従しているのは、「この瞬間を受け入れる」ということ。そして、この詞の受け手、つまり彼女こそが「彼がこの経験を一緒にしたいと考える人」というのがこの歌詞と言える。(ジェシカ・シェルトン)
Mraz suggests how to “Live more generously” in the lyrics
And this is all ultimately meant to encourage the addressee to not only free herself in general but also in regards to openly receiving the love of the singer. Indeed you can say that considering how vested he is in her (as illustrated by the title), he doesn’t feel that their relationship will actually work unless she also loves him just as freely. But on a macrocosmic level, there is also a philosophy operating therein where Mraz not only espouses the idea of living more ‘generously’ but is also giving pointers on how to achieve this result.
Jason Mraz wrote “I’m Yours” in a matter of Minutes!
When Jason Mraz wrote “I’m Yours’, he did not expect it to be extremely successful and a record-breaking hit. The singer song-writer speaking to Billboard admitted that it took him less than 20 minutes to write the song and though he knew it was a great track for his 2008 album “We sing. We dance. We Steal Things.” he was literally humbled as the song kept moving through the charts and eventually became his biggest hit globally to this day. “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz – Song Meanings and Facts
ジェイソン・ムラーズは当初、「I’m Yours」が大成功し、記録的なヒットになるとは思っていなかったという。ビルボードによると、このシンガーソングライターは、この曲を書くのに20分もかからなかったといい、2008年のアルバム「We sing. We dance. We Steal Things. 」のために書いた素晴らしい曲であることは分かっていたが、この曲がチャート上で、最終的には今日に至るまで世界的に彼の最大のヒットとなるにつれ、彼は、正にその歌詞のとおり自然体のままでいたのだ。(ジェシカ・シェルトン)“I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz – Song Meanings and Facts
Who is Jason Mraz?
Jason Mraz
Born Jason Thomas Mraz
On June 23, 1977 (age 44)
At Mechanicsville, Virginia, U.S.
ジェイソン・トーマス・ムラーズ(Jason Thomas Mraz)
アメリカ・バージニア州メカニクスビル 生まれ
Early life
Mraz was born and raised in Mechanicsville, Virginia. He is of Czech and Slovak descent through his grandfather, who moved to the United States from Austria-Hungary in 1915. His surname is Czech for ‘frost’ (mráz, [ˈmraːs]). His parents, Tom (Tomáš) Mraz and June Tomes, divorced when he was five years old, leaving Mraz to live with his father while his sister lived with his mother. His father is a postal worker, and his mother is vice president at a branch of Bank of America.
While attending Lee-Davis High School, Mraz was a member of the cheerleading squad, school chorus, and drama club. He starred as Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (a sung-through musical comedy with lyrics by Tim Rice and music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, based on the character of Joseph from the Bible’s Book of Genesis) and as Snoopy in a play about the Peanuts characters. Mraz graduated in 1995.
During this period of his life, he struggled with his sexuality at times, wondering if he was gay.
Mraz credits an early girlfriend as being one of the influences that drove him to songwriting. She encouraged him to write his thoughts on paper which helped him get “all of the voices in my head to shut up” and “become something I could follow.” Jason Mraz – Wikipedia
バージニア州メカニクスビルで生まれ育つ。祖父が1915年にオーストリア・ハンガリーからアメリカ合衆国に移住したことから、チェコとスロバキアの血を引いている。彼の苗字はチェコ語で「霜」(mráz, [ˈmraːs])という意味。両親はトム(トマーシュ)・ムラーズとジューン・トメスで、ムラーズが5歳のときに離婚し、ムラーズは父親と、妹は母親と暮らすことになった。父親は郵便局員で、母親はバンク・オブ・アメリカ支店の次長だった。
リー・デイヴィス高校在学中は、チアリーディング部、コーラス部、演劇部に所属していた。「Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat」(聖書の創世記に登場するヨセフをモチーフに、ティム・ライスが作詞、アンドリュー・ロイド・ウェバーが作曲したミュージカル・コメディ)でヨセフ役を、「ピーナッツ」キャラクターを扱った劇でスヌーピー役を演じた。1995年、同校を卒業。
ムラーツは、当時のガールフレンドの影響があって、作曲をするようになった、と信じている。彼女は彼に自らの考えを紙に書くことを勧め、それが「頭の中のすべての声を黙らせ」自らを「自らが従うことができるものにする」のに役立ったという。 Jason Mraz – Wikipedia
Relationships and sexuality
Mraz married Sheridan Edley in 2001. They divorced the following year.
Mraz was engaged to singer-songwriter and long-time close friend Tristan Prettyman on Christmas Eve 2010; they broke off the engagement six months later.Jason Mraz – Wikipedia
2010年のクリスマスイブにシンガーソングライターで長年の親友であるトリスタン・プリットマンと婚約したが、半年後に婚約破棄した。Jason Mraz – Wikipedia
Mraz eats mostly raw vegan foods
Mraz lives a health-conscious lifestyle and has said that he eats mostly raw vegan foods. His vegan diet has also influenced his music. He owns a five-and-a-half acre avocado farm in Oceanside, California. He is an investor at Café Gratitude, a vegan restaurant in Los Angeles, and named his 2011 tour Gratitude Café in its honor. His hobbies include surfing, yoga and photography.
A blessing from a Buddhist monk made him write “Have It All” in 2012
Inspired by a blessing he received from a Buddhist monk during a trip to Myanmar in 2012, Mraz wrote the song “Have It All” with Raining Jane and producers David Hodges, JKash, and Andrew Wells. The song was released as the lead single to the new album on April 27, 2018, and accompanied by a video filmed with performing arts students from his hometown of Richmond. Jason Mraz Biography, Discography, Chart History @ Top40-Charts.com – New Songs & Videos from 49 Top 20 & Top 40 Music Charts from 30 Countries
仏教僧侶の影響を受けて2012年に「Have It All」を作曲
2012年にミャンマーを旅行した際に仏教の僧侶から受けた影響にインスピレーションを受けたムラーズは、レイニング・ジェーンとプロデューサーのデヴィッド・ホッジス、JKash、アンドリュー・ウェルズとともに楽曲「Have It All」を作曲。この曲は2018年4月27日にニュー・アルバムのリード・シングルとしてリリースされ、彼の故郷であるリッチモンドのパフォーミング・アーツの学生たちと撮影したビデオを添えて発表された。Jason Mraz Biography, Discography, Chart History @ Top40-Charts.com – New Songs & Videos from 49 Top 20 & Top 40 Music Charts from 30 Countries
Consideration for LGBT in his own way though criticised by “experts”
On October 25, 2015, Mraz married his girlfriend, Christina Carano, in a private ceremony in his hometown of Mechanicsville, Virginia.
In June 2018, Mraz penned a “love letter” to the LGBT community, as part of a Billboard feature during gay pride month. A line in the poem, “I am bi your side. / All ways” led some media reports to state that the poem represented Mraz’s coming out as bisexual.
In an article published on July 19, 2018, by Billboard, Mraz said he has had previous experiences with men, even while dating Carano. Mraz said Carano defined him as a “two-spirit”, a description that was criticized by some as misappropriating a word originally designed solely for the native population, and for distorting the term’s meaning.
In August 2018, Mraz confirmed in an interview with the New York Post that he now identifies as bisexual, speaking of the burden of being closeted;
“I honestly didn’t know how to come out and sing these happy love songs…”; “It was tough, ‘cause not even my mom knew it, you know? […] And I realized that’s the struggle that people in the LGBT community have. It can be a very stressful secret that we carry”;
And the lack of backlash once he came out;
“And I think that’s the cosmic joke. We carry around these secrets, and then once you say something, nobody cares.”
2018年6月、ゲイ・プライド月間のビルボード特集の一環として、ムラーズはLGBTコミュニティへの「ラブレター」を書いた。そのなかで「I am bi your side. / All ways」という一節があり、この詩がムラーズのバイセクシャルをカミングアウトしているとするメディアもあった。
2018年8月、ムラーズはニューヨーク・ポスト紙のインタビューで、現在は両性愛者であることを認め、隠れた同性愛者であること(being closeted) であることの重荷を語っている。
Social activism and philanthropy
Mraz is a social activist whose philanthropic efforts span wide-ranging issues, including the environment, human rights and LGBT equality. Jason Mraz – Wikipedia
Inspired to auction off his items to support children at Make a Wish Foundation
In 2003, after learning one of his beer bottles was listed for sale on eBay, Mraz was inspired to auction off items of his wardrobe online, raising money for the Make a Wish Foundation.
Food banks in tours
During early tours, he encouraged his fans to drop off food items as they arrived at the venue, an effort to support local food banks.
Joined Free the Slaves
In 2009, he participated in a rescue mission to Ghana with members of Free the Slaves, a global nonprofit working to liberate children sold into slavery. In 2012, he was featured as the first-ever straight man on the cover of Instinct magazine in recognition of his efforts in support of LGBT rights.
2009年、奴隷として売られた子どもたちの解放を目指す世界的な非営利団体「Free the Slaves」のメンバーとともに、ガーナでの救出作戦に参加。2012年には、LGBTの権利を支援する活動が認められ、史上初めて異性愛者の男性として『Instinct』誌の表紙を飾った。
Established the Jason Mraz Foundation
The Jason Mraz Foundation was established in 2011, with a mission to support charities in the areas of human equality, environment preservation and education. Organisations supported by the foundation include VH1’s Save The Music Foundation, MusiCares, Surfrider Foundation, Free the Children, Life Rolls On, the School of the Performing Arts in the Richmond Community, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the True Colors Fund, which promotes LGBT equality.
ジェイソン・ムラーズ財団は、人間の平等、環境保全、教育の分野におけるチャリティーを支援することを使命として、2011年に設立された。この財団が支援する団体には、VH1のSave The Music Foundation、MusiCares、Surfrider Foundation、Free the Children、Life Rolls On、The School of the Performing Arts in the Richmond Community、Natural Resources Defense Council、LGBT平等を推進するTrue Colors Fundなどがある。
Contributed to protect the earth
Mraz was named the 2010 Surf Industry Manufacturers Association (SIMA) Humanitarian of the Year. He also received the Clean Water Award in 2010 from the Surfrider Foundation, for helping to preserve the world’s oceans and beaches. That same year, he teamed up with The Nature Conservancy and created a PSA using his song “I’m Yours” to raise awareness about the nonprofit organization’s efforts to protect the earth.
ムラーズは、2010年サーフィン産業の協会(SIMA)の年間人道主義者賞に選ばれている。また、世界の海とビーチの保護に貢献したとして、2010年にサーフライダー・ファウンデーションから「クリーン・ウォーター・アワード」を受賞。同年、ネイチャー・コンサーバンシーと提携し、自身の楽曲「I’m Yours」を使用したPSAを作成し、地球を守るための非営利団体の活動に対する認識を高めることに貢献した。
Headlined to raise awareness about human trafficking in Myanmar
On December 16, 2012, Mraz headlined the Milestone Concert in Myanmar to raise awareness about human trafficking, making him the first foreign artist to play an open-air concert in Myanmar. The concert was organized by MTV EXIT and held in the People’s Square in Yangon, with over 70,000 people in attendance, as part of an initiative to raise awareness about human trafficking in Myanmar. Also in 2012, Mraz spent a week in Antarctica with a group of environmentalists, scientists and researchers on a mission led by Al Gore, to learn about the effects of climate change.
2012年12月16日、ムラーズはミャンマーで人身売買への関心を高めるための「マイルストーン・コンサート」のヘッドライナーを務め、ミャンマーで野外コンサートを行った初の海外アーティストとなった。このコンサートは、MTV EXITが主催し、ヤンゴンの人民広場で開催され、7万人以上の観客が集まり、ミャンマーにおける人身売買についての認識を高める活動の一環となった。また2012年、ムラーズはアル・ゴア率いる環境保護主義者、科学者、研究者のグループとともに南極に1週間滞在し、気候変動の影響について学んだ。
Has been supporting WhyHunger
Mraz is a continued supporter of WhyHunger, a grassroots support organization dedicated to fighting hunger and poverty in the United States. The organization was founded by late musician Harry Chapin and Radio DJ Bill Ayres in 1975.
Donating to Black Lives Matter
On June 19, 2020, Mraz announced he would be donating all profits from his album “Look for the Good” to Black Lives Matter and other organizations working toward equality and justice.
On October 24, 2019, Mraz endorsed Bernie Sanders for President in the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries stating, “Bernie is the perfect candidate to follow Trump & continue to shake up the system for the benefit of true American values: Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness”.
※FMおおつ 周波数79.1MHzでお楽しみください。