「FM OTSU ENGLISH HOUR」再放送11月2日(土)午前8から8時30分「Honesty – Billy Joel」テキスト

再放送 11月2日放送 Honesty – Billy Joel
Honesty – Billy Joel
Single by Billy Joel
from the album 52nd Street
B-side “The Mexican Connection”, “Root Beer Rag”
Released May 1979
Recorded 1978 (age 29)
at A&R Recording, Inc., 799 7th Avenue at 52nd Street, New York City
Genre Soft rock, soul
Length 3:53
Label Columbia
Songwriter(s) Billy Joel
Producer(s) Phil Ramone
“Honesty” by Billy Joel (邦題:オネスティ)をお送りします。優雅なメロディへの評価は高い一方、歌詞については評論が分かれ、米国ではもちろん一定のヒットになりましたが、それ以上にフランス、日本でポピュラーになりました。今風に言えば「忖度する奴は嫌い!」といった詞でしょうか。思いのほか訳注が多くなってしまった歌詞をご一緒に探検しましょう。
Thrilled to talk about “Honesty” by Billy Joel as the song of the day. Some critics say “the lyrics sabotage the sweet melody”, “tastes middle-of-the-road”, “a plea for truth not only from lovers but also politicians” or “Joel’s sardonic gloom is at the vortex”. Let us know what you think.
(be) hard to ~
It isn’t hard to find tenderness.
It is hard to live the life with the pretty lie.
It is so hard to give the truthfulness.
It is not hard to find someone to say they sympathize.
It may not be hard for some pretty face to tell pretty lies.
It isn’t hard to have security with fair promises.
It is hard to depend upon somebody else.
(Verse 1)
If you search for tenderness
It isn’t hard to find
You can have the love you need to live
But if you look for truthfulness
You might just as well be blind
It always seems to be so hard to give
Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you
(Verse 2)
I can always find someone
To say they sympathize
If I wear my heart out on my sleeve
But I don’t want some pretty face
To tell me pretty lies
All I want is someone to believe
Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you
I can find a lover
I can find a friend
I can have security
Until the bitter end
Anyone can comfort me
With promises again
I know, I know
(Verse 3)
When I’m deep inside of me
Don’t be too concerned
I won’t ask for nothin’ while I’m gone
But when I want sincerity
Tell me where else can I turn
Cause you’re the one that I depend upon
Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you
(注1)You can have the love you need to live
live は自動詞では「住む」であり、一方、live the life は一般的な表現(他動詞)です。また、”I Like To Live The Love” by B.B. King のLyrics には以下のようにあります。
I like to live the love that I sing about in my song.(曲の中で歌う愛に、私は生きたい。)
従って、他動詞liveの目的語として love がある、と解釈しました。
need to live は、多少の義務感をもって「愛に生きようとする」と言う意味、と解釈しました。
(注2)But if you look for truthfulness
ODE(Oxford Dictionary of English) によれば、truthful は “telling or expressing the truth; honest” ということなので「真の声」と訳しました。
(注3)It always seems to be so hard to give
give the truthfulness が省略されていると解釈し、前の詞につなげて、「真の声」を訳に入れています。
(注4)Honesty is such a lonely word
オネスティはタイトルにもなっている語であり、かつ、 sincerity等、他の「誠実」と意味のことばと区別するべきと考え、「オネスティ(誠実)」と訳しています。
(注5)If I wear my heart out on my sleeve
wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve には、心のうちを人に知らせる、自分の感情をあらわに出す、と言う意味があります。
(注6)To tell me pretty lies
pretty は前の詞と韻を踏んでいるわけですが、pretty には「愛らしい、快い、見栄えがよい」といった意味の他に、肯定的でも否定的でも「全く、極めて、とんでもない」といった強調の意味があります。。「愛らしい嘘」は、歌詞全体の文脈には合わない、と判断しました。
(注7)Until the bitter end
Until the bitter end は、前3つの詞 I can find a lover, I can find a friend, I can have security すべてにかかっていると解釈しています。
(注8)With promises again
研究社英和大辞典によれば、with (empty/fair/more) promises はそれぞれの例文で
with empty promises 口先だけの約束で(人をうまくはぐらかす)
with fair promises 上手いことを言って(人を追い払う)
with more promises さらに約束を重ねて(逃れようとした)
というように、promises と複数形で用いる時は、特定の約束を指さずに、その場限りの軽い口約束のようなものを指しています。
(注9)I won’t ask for nothin’ while I’m gone
while I’m gone は「私がいなくなっている間」と言う意味なのですが、文脈では、私が一人で閉じこもっている等の理由で「あなたと接触したくない間」と解釈すべきかもしれません。
(注10)To say they sympathize
I can always find someone for me to say that they sympathize.
The song received mostly positive reviews from music critics, who generally praised its lyrics and piano instrumentation. “Honesty” peaked at number twenty-four on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, becoming the album’s third consecutive top forty hit. It went to Number 1 in France and has also been certified gold by Recording Industry Association of Japan for ringtone download sales of over 100,000 units. Joel performed the song live several times with Elton John and later with Bryan Adams. “Honesty” has been covered and sampled by various artists, including by American R&B recording artist, Beyoncé.
音楽評論家からは、にその歌詞とピアノ演奏にポジティブな評価を得ています。た、ジョエルの他の曲と比較されました。「オネスティ」は、USビルボードホット100チャートで24位、アルバムのなかでは3番目の「連続トップ40獲得曲」となりました。 フランスで第1位になり、日本では、「10万回超の着信音ダウンロード」で日本レコード協会のゴールド認定を受けました。 エルトン・ジョン、ブライアン・アダムスとライブで演奏しています。 アメリカのR&Bレコーディングアーティスト、ビヨンセなど、さまざまなアーティストによってカバーされています。
■”His Sardonic Gloom” (悲観的な憂鬱)
“Joel’s sardonic gloom has been at the vortex of almost all his most visceral work. ”Honesty” (on ”52nd Street”) implies that the only way you can tell that someone really cares about you is if they tell you you’re bad.”
– The Stranger by Chuck Klosterman, The New York Times Magazine, Sept. 15, 2002
(チャック・クロスターマン ニューヨークタイムズマガジン 2002年9月15日)
■Reception 評価は様々
Stephen Thomas Erlewineof the website AllMusic noted that “Honesty” was one of Joel’s best songs. Timothy White of Billboard magazine called the song a pensive pop hit. A writer of Rolling Stone felt that “The sweet music of ‘Honesty’ is sabotaged by trite lyrics”. The Phoenix’s Michael Lawson noted that the song was “well suited for middle-of-the-road tastes”. According to Ken Bielen, “‘Honesty’ is a plea for truth, not only in romantic relationships but also from the politicians who affect our lives.” Adam Graham of MTV News described the song as a “big ballad”. The song was nominated in the category for Song of the Year at the 22nd Grammy Awards held on February 27, 1980.
「甘い音楽が、陳腐(trite)な歌詞によって破壊されている」 ローリング・ストーン誌
「 真実を求めると主張する立場の嘆願書であり、恋人だけでなく、私たちの生活に影響を与える政治家たちにも当てはまる」 ケン・ビーレン
「偉大なバラード」MTV Newsのアダム・グラハム
■Billy Joel
Birth name William Martin Joel
Born May 9, 1949 (age 70)
The Bronx, New York, U.S.
Origin Hicksville, New York, U.S.
Occupation(s) Musician, singer-songwriter, composer
Instruments Vocals, piano
Years active 1965(age 16) –present
Early life, family and education 生い立ち
William Martin Joel was born in the Bronx, New York City, New York, on May 9, 1949. When he was one year old, his family moved to the Long Island suburb Hicksville, New York, in the Town of Oyster Bay, where he and his younger sister Judy were raised in a section of Levitt homes.
Joel’s father, Howard (born Helmut) Joel, a classical pianist and businessman, was born in Nuremberg, Germany, to a Jewish family. Helmut was also educated in Switzerland. His father had created a highly successful mail-order textile business, Joel Macht Fabrik. To escape the Nazi regime, Helmut’s family emigrated to Switzerland. The family reached the United States via Cuba, because immigration quotas for German Jews prevented direct immigration at the time. In the United States, Helmut/Howard Joel became an engineer but always loved music. Joel’s mother, Rosalind, was born in Brooklyn, New York City, to Jewish parents, Philip and Rebecca Nyman, who had immigrated from England.
Billy Joel’s parents met in the late-1930s at City College of New York at a Gilbert and Sullivan performance. He has said that neither of his parents had talked much about World War II, which were such dark years; it was not until later that he learned more about his father’s family. After Rosalind and Howard Joel divorced in 1957, Howard returned to Europe, as he had never liked the United States, considering the people uneducated and materialistic. He settled in Vienna, Austria, and later remarried. Billy Joel has a half-brother, Alexander Joel, born to his father in Europe, who became a classical conductor there. Alexander Joel was the chief musical director of the Staatstheater Braunschweig from 2001 to 2014.
Joel reluctantly began piano lessons at age four, at his mother’s insistence. His teachers included the noted American pianist Morton Estrin and musician Timothy Ford. Joel says that he is a better organist than a pianist. As a teenager, Joel took up boxing so he could defend himself. He boxed successfully on the amateur Golden Gloves circuit for a short time, winning 22 bouts, but abandoned the sport shortly after his nose was broken in his 24th boxing match.
Joel attended Hicksville High School until 1967, but he did not graduate with his class. He had been playing at a piano bar to help support himself, his mother and his sister, which interfered with his attendance; specifically, he missed a crucial English exam, after playing a late-night gig at a piano bar the evening before. Although Joel was a comparatively strong student, at the end of his senior year he did not have enough credits to graduate. Rather than attend summer school to earn his diploma, Joel decided to begin a career in music: “I told them, ‘To hell with it. If I’m not going to Columbia University, I’m going to Columbia Records, and you don’t need a high school diploma over there’.” In 1992, he submitted essays to the school board in lieu of the missed exam. They were accepted, and he was awarded his diploma at Hicksville High’s annual graduation ceremony 25 years after leaving.
1967年までヒックスビル高校に通っていましたが、卒業しませんでした。自身と母親、妹をサポートするためピアノバーで演奏していて、学校への出席の妨げになっていました。前日ピアノバーで深夜の演奏後、重要な英語の試験に合格しませんでした。 それほど劣等生だったわけではありませんが、3年生の終わりに卒業するのに十分な単位がありませんでした。 卒業証書を取得するためにサマースクールに通うのではなく、音楽のキャリアを始めることを決めました。当時を述懐して「もううんざりだ。コロンビア大学になんか行かないが、コロンビアレコードに行くんだ。だから、高校の卒業証書は必要ない」と理事会に伝えた、と言います。後日1992年、彼は試験に合格しなかった代わりに、エッセイを学校の理事会に提出し、受け容れられ、25年たってヒックスビル高校の卒業式で卒業証書を授与されました。
第47回5月22日放送 Honesty – Billy Joel
Honesty – Billy Joel
Single by Billy Joel
from the album 52nd Street
B-side “The Mexican Connection”, “Root Beer Rag”
Released May 1979
Recorded 1978 (age 29)
at A&R Recording, Inc., 799 7th Avenue at 52nd Street, New York City
Genre Soft rock, soul
Length 3:53
Label Columbia
Songwriter(s) Billy Joel
Producer(s) Phil Ramone
“Honesty” by Billy Joel (邦題:オネスティ)をお送りします。優雅なメロディへの評価は高い一方、歌詞については評論が分かれ、米国ではもちろん一定のヒットになりましたが、それ以上にフランス、日本でポピュラーになりました。今風に言えば「忖度する奴は嫌い!」といった詞でしょうか。思いのほか訳注が多くなってしまった歌詞をご一緒に探検しましょう。
Thrilled to talk about “Honesty” by Billy Joel as the song of the day. Some critics say “the lyrics sabotage the sweet melody”, “tastes middle-of-the-road”, “a plea for truth not only from lovers but also politicians” or “Joel’s sardonic gloom is at the vortex”. Let us know what you think.
(be) hard to ~
It isn’t hard to find tenderness.
It is hard to live the life with the pretty lie.
It is so hard to give the truthfulness.
It is not hard to find someone to say they sympathize.
It may not be hard for some pretty face to tell pretty lies.
It isn’t hard to have security with fair promises.
It is hard to depend upon somebody else.
(Verse 1)
If you search for tenderness
It isn’t hard to find
You can have the love you need to live
But if you look for truthfulness
You might just as well be blind
It always seems to be so hard to give
Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you
(Verse 2)
I can always find someone
To say they sympathize
If I wear my heart out on my sleeve
But I don’t want some pretty face
To tell me pretty lies
All I want is someone to believe
Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you
I can find a lover
I can find a friend
I can have security
Until the bitter end
Anyone can comfort me
With promises again
I know, I know
(Verse 3)
When I’m deep inside of me
Don’t be too concerned
I won’t ask for nothin’ while I’m gone
But when I want sincerity
Tell me where else can I turn
Cause you’re the one that I depend upon
Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you
(注1)You can have the love you need to live
live は自動詞では「住む」であり、一方、live the life は一般的な表現(他動詞)です。また、”I Like To Live The Love” by B.B. King のLyrics には以下のようにあります。
I like to live the love that I sing about in my song.(曲の中で歌う愛に、私は生きたい。)
従って、他動詞liveの目的語として love がある、と解釈しました。
need to live は、多少の義務感をもって「愛に生きようとする」と言う意味、と解釈しました。
(注2)But if you look for truthfulness
ODE(Oxford Dictionary of English) によれば、truthful は “telling or expressing the truth; honest” ということなので「真の声」と訳しました。
(注3)It always seems to be so hard to give
give the truthfulness が省略されていると解釈し、前の詞につなげて、「真の声」を訳に入れています。
(注4)Honesty is such a lonely word
オネスティはタイトルにもなっている語であり、かつ、 sincerity等、他の「誠実」と意味のことばと区別するべきと考え、「オネスティ(誠実)」と訳しています。
(注5)If I wear my heart out on my sleeve
wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve には、心のうちを人に知らせる、自分の感情をあらわに出す、と言う意味があります。
(注6)To tell me pretty lies
pretty は前の詞と韻を踏んでいるわけですが、pretty には「愛らしい、快い、見栄えがよい」といった意味の他に、肯定的でも否定的でも「全く、極めて、とんでもない」といった強調の意味があります。。「愛らしい嘘」は、歌詞全体の文脈には合わない、と判断しました。
(注7)Until the bitter end
Until the bitter end は、前3つの詞 I can find a lover, I can find a friend, I can have security すべてにかかっていると解釈しています。
(注8)With promises again
研究社英和大辞典によれば、with (empty/fair/more) promises はそれぞれの例文で
with empty promises 口先だけの約束で(人をうまくはぐらかす)
with fair promises 上手いことを言って(人を追い払う)
with more promises さらに約束を重ねて(逃れようとした)
というように、promises と複数形で用いる時は、特定の約束を指さずに、その場限りの軽い口約束のようなものを指しています。
(注9)I won’t ask for nothin’ while I’m gone
while I’m gone は「私がいなくなっている間」と言う意味なのですが、文脈では、私が一人で閉じこもっている等の理由で「あなたと接触したくない間」と解釈すべきかもしれません。
(注10)To say they sympathize
I can always find someone for me to say that they sympathize.
The song received mostly positive reviews from music critics, who generally praised its lyrics and piano instrumentation. “Honesty” peaked at number twenty-four on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, becoming the album’s third consecutive top forty hit. It went to Number 1 in France and has also been certified gold by Recording Industry Association of Japan for ringtone download sales of over 100,000 units. Joel performed the song live several times with Elton John and later with Bryan Adams. “Honesty” has been covered and sampled by various artists, including by American R&B recording artist, Beyoncé.
音楽評論家からは、にその歌詞とピアノ演奏にポジティブな評価を得ています。た、ジョエルの他の曲と比較されました。「オネスティ」は、USビルボードホット100チャートで24位、アルバムのなかでは3番目の「連続トップ40獲得曲」となりました。 フランスで第1位になり、日本では、「10万回超の着信音ダウンロード」で日本レコード協会のゴールド認定を受けました。 エルトン・ジョン、ブライアン・アダムスとライブで演奏しています。 アメリカのR&Bレコーディングアーティスト、ビヨンセなど、さまざまなアーティストによってカバーされています。
■”His Sardonic Gloom” (悲観的な憂鬱)
“Joel’s sardonic gloom has been at the vortex of almost all his most visceral work. ”Honesty” (on ”52nd Street”) implies that the only way you can tell that someone really cares about you is if they tell you you’re bad.”
– The Stranger by Chuck Klosterman, The New York Times Magazine, Sept. 15, 2002
(チャック・クロスターマン ニューヨークタイムズマガジン 2002年9月15日)
■Reception 評価は様々
Stephen Thomas Erlewineof the website AllMusic noted that “Honesty” was one of Joel’s best songs. Timothy White of Billboard magazine called the song a pensive pop hit. A writer of Rolling Stone felt that “The sweet music of ‘Honesty’ is sabotaged by trite lyrics”. The Phoenix’s Michael Lawson noted that the song was “well suited for middle-of-the-road tastes”. According to Ken Bielen, “‘Honesty’ is a plea for truth, not only in romantic relationships but also from the politicians who affect our lives.” Adam Graham of MTV News described the song as a “big ballad”. The song was nominated in the category for Song of the Year at the 22nd Grammy Awards held on February 27, 1980.
「甘い音楽が、陳腐(trite)な歌詞によって破壊されている」 ローリング・ストーン誌
「 真実を求めると主張する立場の嘆願書であり、恋人だけでなく、私たちの生活に影響を与える政治家たちにも当てはまる」 ケン・ビーレン
「偉大なバラード」MTV Newsのアダム・グラハム
■Billy Joel
Birth name William Martin Joel
Born May 9, 1949 (age 70)
The Bronx, New York, U.S.
Origin Hicksville, New York, U.S.
Occupation(s) Musician, singer-songwriter, composer
Instruments Vocals, piano
Years active 1965(age 16) –present
Early life, family and education 生い立ち
William Martin Joel was born in the Bronx, New York City, New York, on May 9, 1949. When he was one year old, his family moved to the Long Island suburb Hicksville, New York, in the Town of Oyster Bay, where he and his younger sister Judy were raised in a section of Levitt homes.
Joel’s father, Howard (born Helmut) Joel, a classical pianist and businessman, was born in Nuremberg, Germany, to a Jewish family. Helmut was also educated in Switzerland. His father had created a highly successful mail-order textile business, Joel Macht Fabrik. To escape the Nazi regime, Helmut’s family emigrated to Switzerland. The family reached the United States via Cuba, because immigration quotas for German Jews prevented direct immigration at the time. In the United States, Helmut/Howard Joel became an engineer but always loved music. Joel’s mother, Rosalind, was born in Brooklyn, New York City, to Jewish parents, Philip and Rebecca Nyman, who had immigrated from England.
Billy Joel’s parents met in the late-1930s at City College of New York at a Gilbert and Sullivan performance. He has said that neither of his parents had talked much about World War II, which were such dark years; it was not until later that he learned more about his father’s family. After Rosalind and Howard Joel divorced in 1957, Howard returned to Europe, as he had never liked the United States, considering the people uneducated and materialistic. He settled in Vienna, Austria, and later remarried. Billy Joel has a half-brother, Alexander Joel, born to his father in Europe, who became a classical conductor there. Alexander Joel was the chief musical director of the Staatstheater Braunschweig from 2001 to 2014.
Joel reluctantly began piano lessons at age four, at his mother’s insistence. His teachers included the noted American pianist Morton Estrin and musician Timothy Ford. Joel says that he is a better organist than a pianist. As a teenager, Joel took up boxing so he could defend himself. He boxed successfully on the amateur Golden Gloves circuit for a short time, winning 22 bouts, but abandoned the sport shortly after his nose was broken in his 24th boxing match.
Joel attended Hicksville High School until 1967, but he did not graduate with his class. He had been playing at a piano bar to help support himself, his mother and his sister, which interfered with his attendance; specifically, he missed a crucial English exam, after playing a late-night gig at a piano bar the evening before. Although Joel was a comparatively strong student, at the end of his senior year he did not have enough credits to graduate. Rather than attend summer school to earn his diploma, Joel decided to begin a career in music: “I told them, ‘To hell with it. If I’m not going to Columbia University, I’m going to Columbia Records, and you don’t need a high school diploma over there’.” In 1992, he submitted essays to the school board in lieu of the missed exam. They were accepted, and he was awarded his diploma at Hicksville High’s annual graduation ceremony 25 years after leaving.
1967年までヒックスビル高校に通っていましたが、卒業しませんでした。自身と母親、妹をサポートするためピアノバーで演奏していて、学校への出席の妨げになっていました。前日ピアノバーで深夜の演奏後、重要な英語の試験に合格しませんでした。 それほど劣等生だったわけではありませんが、3年生の終わりに卒業するのに十分な単位がありませんでした。 卒業証書を取得するためにサマースクールに通うのではなく、音楽のキャリアを始めることを決めました。当時を述懐して「もううんざりだ。コロンビア大学になんか行かないが、コロンビアレコードに行くんだ。だから、高校の卒業証書は必要ない」と理事会に伝えた、と言います。後日1992年、彼は試験に合格しなかった代わりに、エッセイを学校の理事会に提出し、受け容れられ、25年たってヒックスビル高校の卒業式で卒業証書を授与されました。
Jun&Keiko@FM Otsu Tamagami Studio
放送時間:土曜日 午前8時〜午前8時30分
再放送:日曜日 午後5時30分〜午後6時
※FMおおつ 周波数79.1MHzでお楽しみください。
&Keiko@FM Otsu Tamagami Studio
放送時間:土曜日 午前8時〜午前8時30分
再放送:日曜日 午後5時30分〜午後6時
※FMおおつ 周波数79.1MHzでお楽しみください。