「FM OTSU ENGLISH HOUR」再放送 10月19日(土)午前8時から8時30分 テキスト「Every Breath You Take The Police」

from the album “Synchronicity” released in 1983, written by Sting
Thank you for tuning in to the program.
Happy today to get down to The Police singing “Every Breath You Take”.
released in 1983(Sting at age 31) and included in album “Synchronicity”.
Written by Sting in the aftermath of his separation from ex-wife.
Reportedly mostly misinterpreted as a gentle little love song.
今日はポリスの Every Breath You Take に取り組みましょう。
1983年発売(スティング31歳)、アルバム Synchronicity 収録曲。
Every Breath You Take (Every Breath You Take – Wikipedia )
by The Police
written by Sting (born 2 October 1951 , age 70)
from the album “Synchronicity”
Released in 20 May 1983 at his age 32.
The single was the biggest US and Canadian hit of 1983, topping the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart for eight weeks (the band’s only No. 1 hit on that chart), and the Canadian RPM Chart for four weeks. Their fifth UK No. 1, it topped the UK Singles Chart for four weeks. The song also reached the Top 10 in numerous other countries.
In 2019, Sting received a BMI (Broadcast Music Inc.) Award for “Every Breath You Take” becoming the most-played song in radio history.
Origins and songwriting
Written by Sting in 1982 at his age 31 in the aftermath of his separation from Frances Tomelty and the beginning of his relationship with Trudie Styler. Their split was controversial. As The Independent reported in 2006,
“The problem was, he was already married – to actress Frances Tomelty, who just happened to be Trudie’s best friend. Sting and Frances lived next door to Trudie in Bayswater, West London, for several years before the two of them became lovers. The affair was widely condemned.”
To escape the public eye, Sting retreated to the Caribbean. He started writing the song at Ian Fleming’s writing desk on the Goldeneye estate in Oracabessa, Jamaica. The lyrics are the words of a possessive lover who is watching “every breath you take; every move you make”. Sting recalled:
I woke up in the middle of the night with that line in my head, sat down at the piano and had written it in half an hour. The tune itself is generic, an aggregate of hundreds of others, but the words are interesting. It sounds like a comforting love song. I didn’t realise at the time how sinister it is. I think I was thinking of Big Brother (a fictional character and symbol in George Orwell’s dystopian 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four), surveillance and control.
Sting later said he was disconcerted by how many people think the song is more positive than it is. He insists it is about the obsession with a lost lover, and the jealousy and surveillance that follow.
“One couple told me ‘Oh we love that song; it was the main song played at our wedding!’ I thought, ‘Well, good luck.'”
When asked why he appears angry in the music video, Sting told BBC Radio 2,
“I think the song is very, very sinister and ugly and people have actually misinterpreted it as being a gentle little love song, when it’s quite the opposite.”
Sting said to several media sources that the song is very sinister and ugly while people misinterpret it as a love song. However, after year 2000, the Police and Sting tend to sing the song at the very last of their concert to send gratitude to every player on the stage calling each full name. So, he himself may have changed his mind to treat “Every Breath You Take” as a positive love song.
Every Breath You Take (Every Breath You Take – Wikipedia )
作曲:スティング (1951年10月2日生まれ、70歳)
アルバム “Synchronicity”(シンクロニシティ)
発表は 1993年5月20日 スティング32歳のとき
2019年、ラジオ史上最も再生された曲となり、BMI(Broadcast Music Inc)アワードを受賞している。
夜中に目が覚めて、この歌詞が頭に浮かんで、ピアノの前に座ったら30分で書き上げた。曲自体は何百とある曲の集合体だが、歌詞は面白い。心地よいラブソングのように聞こえる。でも、その時は、この曲がどんなに陰険な曲であるかは分かっていなかった。ビッグ・ブラザー(ジョージ・オーウェルの1949年のディストピア小説 Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)に登場する架空の全体主義国家リーダーで、全国民を監視する象徴)、監視と統制について考えていたのだと思う。
「あるカップルが『2人ともこの曲が大好き。結婚式でメインに流したよ!』と言ってきた。私は 『そうか、頑張れよ』と思った」
ミュージックビデオで怒っているように見える理由を聞かれたスティングは、BBC Radio 2にこう答えている。
スティングはいくつかのメディアに対して、この曲は非常に不吉で醜い曲である一方、人々はこの曲をラブソングと誤解していると語っている。しかし、2000年以降、ポリスとスティングはコンサートの最後にこの曲を歌い、ステージ上のすべてのプレーヤーにフルネームで感謝の気持ちを伝えることが多くなった。というわけで、スティング自身は「Every Breath You Take」をポジティブなラブソングとして扱うようになった、とも考えられる。
Key phrase: “it’s you I can’t replace”
it’s you (or, something) I can’t replace : You are (or the thing is) so valuable, irreplaceable and “only one”.
キーフレーズ:“it’s you I can’t replace” あなたは(あるいは、その物は)とても貴重で、かけがえのない、「たった一つの」もの。
I look around, but it’s you I can’t replace. (Lyrics)
It’s he we can’t replace because nobody is deployed with such a skill set.
It’s this headphone I can’t replace because of its noise cancelling ability.
It’s she we can’t replace because anybody else can sing it with such a lovely voice.
It’s she we can’t replace because she is this boy’s mother.
It’s the phrase he can’t replace because any other words express his thought.
Question to the listeners: Why do people misinterpret the song to be a love song though Sting says the lyrics originally are “sinister and ugly”?
Sting says “I think the song is very, very sinister and ugly.” But people have actually misinterpreted it as being a gentle little love song. Why?
Lyrics “Every Breath You Take“
written by Sting
Every breath you take
And every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I’ll be watching you
Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I’ll be watching you
Oh, can’t you see
You belong to me?
How my poor heart aches with every step you take?
Every move you make
And every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake, I’ll be watching you
(stake a claim: 主張に賭ける、権利を争う、賞争いに加わる)
Since you’ve gone, I’ve been lost without a trace
I dream at night, I can only see your face
I look around, but it’s you I can’t replace
I feel so cold, and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby, please
Oh, can’t you see
You belong to me?
How my poor heart aches with every step you take?
Every move you make
And every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake, I’ll be watching you
The Police (The Police – Wikipedia )
The Police were an English rock band formed in London in 1977. For most of their history the line-up consisted of primary songwriter Sting (lead vocals, bass guitar), Andy Summers (guitar) and Stewart Copeland (drums, percussion). The Police became globally popular in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Emerging in the British new wave scene, they played a style of rock influenced by punk, reggae, and jazz.
Their final studio album, Synchronicity (1983), was No. 1 in the UK, Canada, Australia, Italy and the US, selling over 8 million copies in the US. Its lead single, “Every Breath You Take”, became their fifth UK number one, and only US number one.
During this time, the band were considered one of the leaders of the Second British Invasion of the US (in the 1080s compared to British Invasion of the U.S. in the 1960s); in 1983 Rolling Stone labelled them “the first British New Wave act to break through in America on a grand scale, and possibly the biggest band in the world.”
The Police disbanded in 1986, but reunited in early 2007 for a one-off world tour that ended in August 2008. They were the world’s highest-earning musicians in 2008, due to their reunion tour.
ポリス (The Police – Wikipedia )
最後のスタジオ・アルバム『シンクロニシティ』(1983年)は、イギリス、カナダ、オーストラリア、イタリア、アメリカで1位を獲得し、アメリカでは800万枚以上の売り上げを記録した。リード・シングルの「Every Breath You Take」は5度目の全英1位となり、唯一の全米1位となった。
ポリスは、イギリスによる第二次アメリカ侵略 (the Second British Invasion of the US in the 1080s; compared to British Invasion of the U.S. in the 1960s)のリーダー格とみなされ、1983年のローリング・ストーン誌では、「アメリカで壮大なスケールでブレイクした最初のブリティッシュ・ ニューウェーブ活動、そしておそらく世界最大のバンド 」と評されている。
Sting (Sting (musician) – Wikipedia )
Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner CBE (born 2 October 1951, age 70) from Wallsend, England, known as Sting, is an English musician, singer, songwriter and actor. He was the frontman, songwriter and bassist for new wave rock band the Police from 1977 to 1984. He launched a solo career in 1985 and has included elements of rock, jazz, reggae, classical, new-age, and worldbeat in his music.
He won Song of the Year for “Every Breath You Take”, three Brit Awards, including Best British Male Artist in 1994 and Outstanding Contribution in 2002, a Golden Globe, an Emmy and four nominations for the Academy Award for Best Original Song. In 2019, he received a BMI Award for “Every Breath You Take” becoming the most-played song in radio history.
In 2000, he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for recording.
In 2003, Sting received a CBE(Commander of the Order of the British Empire) from Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace for services to music.
He was made a Kennedy Center Honoree at the White House in 2014 and was awarded the Polar Music Prize in 2017.
Early Life
Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner was born at Sir G B Hunter Memorial Hospital in Wallsend, Northumberland, England on 2 October 1951, the eldest of four children of Audrey (née Cowell), a hairdresser, and Ernest Matthew Sumner, a milkman and engineer. He grew up near Wallsend’s shipyards, which made an impression on him.
As a child, he was inspired by the Queen Mother waving at him from a Rolls-Royce to divert from the shipyard prospect towards a more glamorous life. He helped his father deliver milk and by ten was “obsessed” with an old Spanish guitar left by an emigrating friend of his father.
He attended St Cuthbert’s Grammar School in Newcastle upon Tyne. He visited nightclubs such as Club A’Gogo to see Cream and Manfred Mann, who influenced his music. After leaving school in 1969, he enrolled at the University of Warwick in Coventry, but left after a term.
After working as a bus conductor, building labourer and tax officer, he attended the Northern Counties College of Education (now Northumbria University) from 1971 to 1974 and qualified as a teacher. He taught at St Paul’s First School in Cramlington for two years.
Sting performed jazz in the evening, weekends and during breaks from college and teaching, playing with the Phoenix Jazzmen, Newcastle Big Band and Last Exit.
He gained his nickname after his habit of wearing a black and yellow jumper with hooped stripes with the Phoenix Jazzmen. Bandleader Gordon Solomon thought he looked like a bee (or according to Sting himself, “they thought I looked like a wasp”), which prompted the name “Sting”.
In the 1985 documentary Bring on the Night a journalist called him Gordon, to which he replied, “My children call me Sting, my mother calls me Sting, who is this Gordon character?” In 2011, he told Time that “I was never called Gordon. You could shout ‘Gordon’ in the street and I would just move out of your way”.
スティング (Sting (musician) – Wikipedia )
ゴードン・マシュー・トーマス・サムナー CBE(Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner CBE) (1951年10月2日生まれ、70歳)は、イギリスのミュージシャン、シンガー、ソングライター、俳優であり、スティングとして知られている。1977年から1984年までニューウェーブロックバンド「ポリス」のリーダー、ソングライター、ベーシストとして活躍した。1985年にソロ活動を開始し、ロック、ジャズ、レゲエ、クラシック、ニューエイジ、ワールドビートなどの要素を音楽に取り込んでいる。
Every Breath You Takeでソング・オブ・ザ・イヤーを受賞、1994年の最優秀英国男性アーティスト、2002年の傑出した貢献など3つのブリット・アワード、ゴールデングローブ賞、エミー賞、アカデミー賞オリジナルソング賞の4部門でノミネートされるなど、その活動は多岐にわたる。2019年、Every Breath You Take がラジオ史上最も再生された曲となり、BMI賞(Broadcast Music Inc. Award)を受賞した。
2003年、スティングは音楽への貢献により、バッキンガム宮殿にてエリザベス2世からCBE: Commander of the Order of the British Empire (大英帝国勲章司令官)を授与された。
幼い頃、ロールス・ロイスから手を振るクイーン・マザー(the Queen Mother: エリザベス2世の母)に触発され、造船所の展望からより華やかな人生へと方向転換することになる。父親の牛乳配達を手伝い、10歳になると父親の友人(移住者)が残した古いスパニッシュ・ギターに夢中になった。
ニューカッスル・アポン・タインにあるセント・カスバート・グラマースクールに通った。クラブ・ア・ゴーゴーなどのナイトクラブを訪れ、クリーム(Cream: Eric Claptonのバンド)やマンフレッド・マンが、彼の音楽に影響を与えた。1969年、コヴェントリーのウォーリック大学に入学するが、1学期で退学。
フェニックス・ジャズメンでは、黒と黄色のフープ縞のジャンパーを着る習慣があったため、このニックネームがついた。バンドリーダーのゴードン・ソロモンが彼を蜂のようだと思い、それが「スティング(Sting: 針)」の名前の由来となった。
Answer to the question: Why do people misinterpret the song to be a love song though Sting says the lyrics orginaly are “sinister and ugly”?
Because it still sings about “ultimate love” between beloved persons.
It could be shown by the fact that after year 2000, the Police and Sting tend to sing the song at the very last of their concert to send gratitude to every player on the stage calling each full name. So, he himself may have changed his mind to treat “Every Breath You Take” as a positive love song.
How do you think when you sing this song?
2000年以降、ポリスやスティングがコンサートの最後にこの曲を歌い、ステージ上の選手一人ひとりの名前をフルネームで呼んで感謝の気持ちを伝えることが多くなったことからも、それがうかがえます。つまり、スティング自身も、「Every Breath You Take」をポジティブなラブソングと考えるようになったのではないでしょうか。

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