「FM OTSU ENGLISH HOUR 10月12 日(土)午前8時から8時30分 テキスト「”Thank You” by Diana Ross.」

Thank you for tuning in to the program.
Today we are going to talk about and listen to “Thank You” by Diana Ross.
from her 25th studio album “Thank You” released on November 5, 2021, written during COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns in 2020
and recorded in her home studio; Will tour the UK in 2022. Given a positive review by a critic Chuck Arnold: “a powerful showcase for how good Ross is even after a two-decade absence. The album also achieves her ultimate goal: to provide a light in troubling times.” (EW.com)
Her performance reminds us of a famous artist’s quote: “Art is a lie that makes us realize truth.” Pablo Picasso
今日はダイアナ・ロスのThank You をお送りします。
2020年のパンデミック・ロックダウンのなか自宅スタジオで録音、制作、2021年11月5日リリースの本人25枚目のアルバム(曲名と同じ)Thank Youの1曲目です。
Thank You
by Diana Ross (born March 26, 1944, age 77)
from the album “Thank You”
released on November 5, 2021
written by Diana Ross, Amy Wadge, Christian Paul Wossilek, Nathaniel Ledwidge and Troy Miller
peaked at number 38 on the UK Single Sales Chart and number 37 on the UK Singles Downloads Chart on June 25, 2021
Key phrase: “I will never let go of the feeling“
let go of (something or someone) : relinquish one’s grip on someone or something
キーフレーズ:”I will never let go of the feeling”
let go of (something or someone) : 人や物を掴んでいる状態を放棄する。(OED)
You’re the reason my world keeps turning, I will never let go of that feeling. (lyrics)
Every choice and step I make, I will never let go of them.
I know beside you is where I belong, I will never let go of the feeling.
I will never let go of my appreciation to everything around me.
Adam let go of the reins. (OED, past tense)
When little Cam let go of her hand and ram off to explore the world without her, she watched after him and waited. (OED, past tense)
Even when I feel the pain without healing at the moment, I will never let go of the hope.
You need to let go of the past.
Question to the listeners: Who is “You” in the lyrics?
The first person expresses lots of appreciations. Question is whom the first person expresses them to?
Lyrics “Thank You” (繰り返し部分は省略。英語版に全文掲載)
written by Diana Ross, Amy Wadge, Christian Paul Wossilek, Nathaniel Ledwidge and Troy Miller
Every choice and step I make
Every word and breath I take
You’re the reason my world keeps turning
Like the blood running through my veins
Sunshine when there’s only rain
You’re the reason my heart keeps learning
I will never let go of that feeling
‘Cause loving you, it makes me feel strong
And when I feel the pain, you are my healing
And I know beside you is where I belong
‘Cause Loving feels like that, feels like that, whoa
It will lift you up when love is on me
Loving feels like that, feels like that, woah
I thank god that it is you who’s loving me
(it はwhen を指すと解釈)
(この you だけは、直前の God と解釈)
Thank you for, thank you for that
I just wanna say
Thank you for, thank you for love
Thank you for my life
We Survive the highs and lows
Sometimes that’s how life goes
But together I know I’m making
(making は making one’s own life の省略と解釈)
I wouldn’t change a single day
No one else makes me feel that way
I know you take care of my heart, never break it
Thank you for the smile
Thank you for the tears
Thank you for being who you are for all the years
Thank you for the choice
You are the reason why
I thank you for the loving you have gone into my life
Thank you for, thank you for love
I just wanna say
Thank you for, thank you for love
Album “Thank You”
“Thank You” 3:45
written by Diana Ross, Amy Wadge, Christian Paul Wossilek, Nathaniel Ledwidge and Troy Miller and produced by Troy Miller
“If the World Just Danced” 3:44
written by Diana Ross, Aliandro Prawl, Andre Pinckney, Scott M. Carter, Wadge, Vanessa Wood and Jaquetta Singleton, produced by Triangle Park and Carter
“All Is Well” 4:32
written by Diana Ross, Fred White and Rhonda Ross (born August 14, 1971, age 50), produced by Troy Miller
“In Your Heart” 4:16
written by Diana Ross, Charles Hinshaw and Wadge, produced by Triangle Park, Carter and Wood
“Just in Case” 3:10
written by Diana Ross, Taylor Parks, Jimmy Napes, Freddy Wexler and White, produced by Troy Miller
“The Answer’s Always Love” 4:33
written by Siedah Garrett and Barry Eastmond, produced by Troy Miller
“Let’s Do It” 3:40
written by Diana Ross, White and Neff-U, produced by Diana Ross, White, Neff-U, Triangle Park and Carter
“I Still Believe” 3:38
written by Hannah Berney, Autumn Rowe, Ruth-Anne Cunningham and Charlie McClean, produced by McClean and Jack Antonoff
“Count on Me” 3:30
written by Rhonda Ross (Diana’s daughter) , produced by Troy Miller and Rodney Kendrick
“Tomorrow” 3:23
written by Prawl, Wadge, Alex Stacey, Pinckney, Carter, Chris Stevens, Kyla Moscovich and Wood, produced by Triangle Park
“Beautiful Love” 4:00
written by Diana Ross and White, produced by Troy Miller
“Time to Call” 3:31
written by Diana Ross, Teyana Miller and Troy Miller, produced by Troy Miller
“Come Together” 3:43
written by Diana Ross, Hinshaw, Marvee Woods, Timothy Bloom and Ayak Thiik, produced by Troy Miller and Diana Ross
Total length: 49:25 (13 songs including 9 written by Diana Ross)
Diana Ross – Thank You (lnk.to)
Ms. Ross @DianaRoss on Twitter
(Thank Youのリリース当時の本人のツイッター)
Nov 5, 2021
My new album ‘Thank You’ is released now, it’s all I’ve dreamed of. From my heart to your heart. You breathe life into these amazing songs. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. https://dianaross.lnk.to/thankyoualbum #dianarossthankyou
ニューアルバム Thank You がリリースされました!私が夢見たものすべてが入っています。私の心から「あなた」の心へ。「あなた」はこの素晴らしい楽曲に命を吹き込んでくれた。心の底からありがとう。https://dianaross.lnk.to/thankyoualbum #dianarossthankyou
Nov 6, 2021
As an artist my work needs collaboration, a “coming together” – These stories for the listener are reciprocal, it asks for a response. There’s a space within you where we can find “All is well” a peace and calm, within the quiet of ourselves. Watch the video now at https://youtu.be/iEtGv8Ha6ck
アーティストとして、私の作品にはコラボレーション、つまり「一緒になること」が必要です。リスナーにとってのこれらの物語は相互的であり、反応を求めています。「あなた」の中に一緒に「各々すべてが大丈夫(All is well)」と見出せるスペースがあるのです。https://youtu.be/iEtGv8Ha6ckをクリックして”All Is Well”のビデオをご覧ください。
Diana Ross (Diana Ross – Wikipedia )
Born: Diana Ernestine Earle Ross; March 26, 1944 (age 77); Detroit, Michigan, U.S.
Spouse(s): Robert Ellis Silberstein (m. 1971; div. 1977), Arne Næss Jr. (m. 1986; div. 2000)
Children: 5, including Rhonda, Tracee and Evan
Relatives: Barbara Ross-Lee (sister)
Labels: Lu Pine, Motown, RCA, EMI, Parlophone
Associated acts: The Supremes, the Temptations, Marvin Gaye, Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson, Eric Kupper
ダイアナ・ロス (Diana Ross – Wikipedia )
生まれ: ダイアナ・アーネスティン・アール・ロス、1944年3月26日(77歳)、アメリカ合衆国ミシガン州デトロイト。
配偶者: ロバート・エリス・シルバースタイン(1971年結婚、1977年離婚)、アルネ・ネイス・ジュニア(Arne Næss Jr. (1986年結婚、2000年離婚)
子供: 5人(ロンダ、トレイシー、エヴァン含む
親族: バーバラ・ロス・リー(姉)
レーベル : ル・パイン, モータウン, RCA, EMI, パーロフォン
関連する活動: ザ・シュープリームス、テンプテーションズ、マーヴィン・ゲイ、ライオネル・リッチー、マイケル・ジャクソン、エリック・クッパー
Answer to the question: Who is “You” in the lyrics?
“You” is assumed to be not only fans, listeners, the crew members, her family members, love or God but also own actions, choices, steps, sunshine, nature and everything that supports her even implicitly.
However, the question is asked on a twitter as follows:
Junichi Yahata @JunichiYahata
What Diana Ross sends in Thank You lyrics is the appreciation not only to her fans including myself but also own actions, choices, steps, sunshine, nature and everything that supports her even implicitly, right? #dianarossthankyou
What is your answer when you sing “Thank You”?
Junichi Yahata @JunichiYahata
ダイアナ・ロスが Thank You の歌詞で送っているメッセージは、ファンだけでなく、自分自身の行動、選択、歩み、太陽、自然、そして暗黙のうちに彼女を支えているもの全てに対する感謝ですよね?#dianarossthankyou
この歌を歌うとき、あなたにとっての You は誰でしょう?

※FMおおつ 周波数79.1MHzでお楽しみください。