「FM OTSU ENGLISH HOUR」第55回「The Voice Within – Christina Aguilera」(6月29日放送)テキスト

第55回「The Voice Within – Christina Aguilera」
The Voice Within – Christina Aguilera
Single by Christina Aguilera
from the album Stripped
Released October 27, 2003 – at her age 21
Recorded 2002 – at her age 21
Genre Pop, R&B
Length 4:15 (radio edit)
5:04 (album version)
Label RCA
Songwriter(s) Christina Aguilera, Glen Ballard
Producer(s) Glen Ballard
信じられない声量の歌姫が20歳で書き、21歳で歌った “The Voice Within” by Christina Aguilera をお聴きください。作詞家としてのアギレラは「20歳のころはあちこちの方向へ押されたり、引っ張られたりしていた。そんな『貴女』へ書いた」と述懐しています。なぜか、プロへの登竜門番組の出場者が歌うケースが多いようです。
Excited to deliver “The Voice Within” written and sung by Christina Aguilera, a diva with the most powerful suitable voice to the title. She recalled as “I wrote this song when I was 20, 21, and it was a time in my life when you’re being pushed and pulled in so many directions.”. Interestingly, the song has reportedly been covered for more contests than for albums or shows.
◆when を使って相手を勇気づける、アドバイスする
when (you) ~, (I, You) do ~
I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall.
When there’s no one else, Look inside yourself.
It’s so hard to stand your ground when you’re so afraid.
When there’s no one else, just trust the voice within like your oldest friend.
When there’s no one else, you’ll find the strength by yourself.
You’ll find all you’ll ever need when you need.
これから必要なものは、きっと見つかる(from lyrics)
Just trust the voice within when you feel lost.
迷ったと感じたら、内なる声を聞こう。(from lyrics)
You’ll never change when you just run away.
逃げていては決して変わることはできない(from lyrics)
■歌詞 Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Young girl, don’t cry
I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall
Young girl, it’s alright
Your tears will dry, you’ll soon be free to fly, ooh
When you’re safe inside your room, you tend to dream
Of a place where nothing’s harder than it seems
No one ever wants or bothers to explain
Of the heartache life can bring and what it means
When there’s no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you’ll find the strength
That will guide your way
You’ll learn to begin
To trust the voice within
[Verse 2]
Young girl, don’t hide
You’ll never change if you just run away (Ooh, oh yeah)
Young girl, just hold tight
Soon you’re gonna see your brighter day
[Pre-Chorus 2]
Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed
It’s so hard to stand your ground when you’re so afraid
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
When you look outside, look inside to your soul
When there’s no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you’ll find the strength
That will guide your way
You will learn to begin
To trust the voice within
Oh yeah
Ooh, yeah, yeah
Life is a journey
It can take you anywhere you choose to go
As long as you’re learning
You’ll find all you’ll ever need to know
(Be strong) You’ll break it
(Hold on) You’ll make it
Just don’t forsake it because
No one can tell you what you can’t do
No one can stop you, you know that I’m talking to you
When there’s no one else
Look inside yourself
And like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you’ll find the strength
That will guide your way
You will learn to begin
To trust the voice within
Young girl, don’t cry
I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall
Mmm, oh
(注1)Young girl, don’t cry
歌詞全編を通して Young girl は、第二人称となる話しかける相手ですが、文脈では「自分自身」を想定し、自分自身への呼びかけと解釈しました。あえて「第二人称としての自分」を「貴女(あなた)」と訳しています。
(注2)I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall
your world starts to fall「貴女の世界が崩れ落ちる」のは、「その時」ではなく「万が一その場合は」として、”when” を “if” と解釈しています。
(注3)When you’re safe inside your room, you tend to dream
この “when” も “if” と解釈しています。
(注4)When there’s no one else
この “when” も “if” と解釈しています。
(注5)Soon you’re gonna see your brighter day
brighter は「昨日よりは明るい」と言う意味と解釈しています。
(注6)Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed
claim one’s innocence で「潔白を主張する」と言う意味がありますが、ここでは、claim は「<死・病気などが><人命を>奪う」と解釈しました。
(注7)When you look outside, look inside to your soul
この “when” も “if” と解釈しています。「外に答えを求めるのなら」という文意と解釈しています。
(注8)(Hold on) You’ll make it
Hold on はここでは「しっかりつかんでいる」「続けていく」「頑張る、辛抱する」という意味です。
(注9)Just don’t forsake it because
forsake は「<親しい人・場所などを>見捨てる、放棄する」「<従来の慣習などを>捨てる」という意味です。it はここでは “The Voice Within” と解釈しています。
■ The Voice Within, according to Wikipedia
“The Voice Within” is a song recorded by American singer Christina Aguilera for her fourth studio album, Stripped (2002). The song was written by Aguilera and Glen Ballard, with production handled by Ballard. It is a piano-driven ballad that talks about trusting oneself and one’s instincts. “The Voice Within” was released as the fifth and final single from Stripped on October 27, 2003 by RCA Records.
“The Voice Within” は、クリスチーナ・アギレラの4番目のアルバム “Stripped”(2002)に収録されました。作曲はアギレラとグレンバラード、制作はバラードです。それは、自分自身と本能を信頼することについて話すピアノ主導のバラードです。2003年10月27日に、5番目のシングルとしてリリースされました。
“The Voice Within” achieved moderate success on charts worldwide, peaking within the top ten of charts in several countries including Australia, Ireland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, and it reached number 33 on the US Billboard Hot 100.
世界のチャートで中程度の成功を収め、オーストラリア、アイルランド、スイス、イギリスを含むいくつかの国のチャートのトップ10入り、US Billboard Hot 100で33位でした。
Her vocals on the song were described as strong and powerful by critics. Lyrically, “The Voice Within” is an inspirational song that says that one should trust one’s heart and own mind, and find inner strength. The motivational lyrics include, “When there’s no-one else, look inside yourself, like your oldest friend just trust the voice within”. As recalled by Aguilera,”I wrote this song when I was 20, 21, and it was a time in my life when you’re being pushed and pulled in so many directions.”
彼女のボーカルは、批評家には総じて「力強い」と好評でした。歌詞は、心と自分の心を信頼し、内なる力を見つけようと言う、心に強く訴える歌です。たとえば「他に誰もいないなら、自分の内を見よう。長い友人のように自分の内なる声を信じよう」。アギレラは作曲当時を「私は20歳、21歳のときにこの曲を書きました。そして、人生で『あなた』が多くの方向から、押されたり、引っ張られたりしていた時でした。(”I wrote this song when I was 20, 21, and it was a time in my life when you’re being pushed and pulled in so many directions.”)」と振り返っています。
◆ Music video
The song’s music video was directed by David LaChapelle and produced by Media Magik Entertainment. He explained to MTV News that the video’s concept, “There’s all kinds of connotations to the word ‘stripped.’ I wanted to strip it down to one take. Just her and this incredible voice. And really not have anything that is going to overshadow that. She’s trying to grow as an artist and along the way she’s taking all kinds of risks and a lot of times people let those things overshadow her ability and her talent. I wanted to bring it all back as a sort of bookend to this album”.
ミュージックビデオを監督したデビッド・ラシャペル は MTV News に、ビデオのコンセプトは「アルバムタイトルの”Stripped” という言葉にはいろいろな意味が込められているのだが、それを1テイクまで剥ぎ落した ( I wanted to strip it down to one take. )かったんです。その1テイクとは、彼女自身とこの信じられない声。それを覆い隠すようなものは何もありません。(And really not have anything that is going to overshadow that. )彼女のアーティストとしての成長の過程で、リスクをいろいろ冒しますが、人々はリスクを恐れて、彼女の能力と才能を覆い隠そうとします。そういったこともすべて、このアルバムのブックエンドとして持ち帰りたかったのです。(”People let those things, to avoid risks, overshadow her ability and her talent. I wanted to bring it all back as a sort of bookend to this album.”)」
The video begins with a close-up scene of Aguilera and zooms out to her wearing a slip and sitting in an abandoned prop room. In one continuous black and white shot, Aguilera walks through several rooms, exits the building, and finally lays on a light box. The video was filmed at a deserted theater in downtown Los Angeles. It was inspired by neorealist works. The video was nominated for three 2004 MTV Video Music Awards: Best Female Video, Viewer’s Choice, and Best Cinematography.
ビデオは、アギレラのクローズアップシーンから始まり、彼女がスリップ姿で、使われていない劇場の道具室に座っているところまでズームアウトします。白黒画面のまま、アギレラはいくつかの部屋を歩き、建物を出て、最終的に内照式の光る箱の上に横たわります。このビデオは、ロサンゼルスのダウンタウンにあるさびれた劇場で撮影されました。ネオリアリストに触発されたつくりです。2004年の3つのMTV Video Music Awards(Best Female Video、Viewer’s Choice、Best Cinematography)にノミネートされました。
■ Christina Aguilera
Born Christina María Aguilera
December 18, 1980 (age 39)
New York City, U.S.
Singer, songwriter, actress, television personality
Years active 1993–present (since her 13 years old)
Home town Rochester, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Wexford, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Spouse(s) Jordan Bratman (m. 2005; div. 2011)
Partner(s) Matthew Rutler (2010–present; engaged)
Children 2
Genres Pop, R&B, dance-pop, soul
Instruments Vocals
◆ Early life 生い立ち
Christina María Aguilera was born in Staten Island, New York City, on December 18, 1980, to musician Shelly Loraine Kearns (née Fidler) and United States Army soldier Fausto Xavier Aguilera. Her father is reportedly Ecuadorian, and her mother has German, Irish, Welsh, and Dutch ancestry. Her family moved frequently because of her father’s military service, and lived in places including New Jersey, Texas, New York, and Japan. Aguilera alleged that her father was physically and emotionally abusive. To cope with her turbulent household, she used music as a form of escape. Following her parents’ divorce when she was six years old, Aguilera, her younger sister Rachel, and her mother moved into her grandmother’s home in Rochester, a suburb in the Pittsburgh area. Her mother later remarried and had one more child. After years of estrangement, Aguilera expressed interest in reconciling with her father in 2012.
クリスティーナ・マリア・アギレラは、1980年12月18日にニューヨーク市スタテン島で、ミュージシャンのシェリー・ロレイン・カーンズ(旧姓フィドラー)とアメリカ陸軍兵士のファウスト・ザビエル・アギレラの間に生まれました。 父親はエクアドル人の模様で、母親はドイツ人、アイルランド人、ウェールズ人、オランダ人が祖先と伝えられています。 家族は父親の任務のために頻繁に引っ越し、ニュージャージー、テキサス、ニューヨーク、日本などに住みました。 アギレラは、父親に身体的および感情的に虐待されたと主張していました。 荒れた家庭から離れる為の道具として音楽がありました。6歳のときの両親は離婚、アギレラ、妹のレイチェル、母親はピッツバーグ郊外のロチェスターにある祖母の家に引っ越しました。 彼女の母親は後に再婚し、もう一人の子供ができました。アギレラは長年の疎遠の後、2012年に父親と和解することに言及しています。(”Hurt”の背景にある模様)
■ Covers according to Wikipedia
◆ Covered for Singles, Albums or TV Show
In 2006, the song was also covered by Meliz Serman on the 2006 TV series How Do You Solve a Problem like Maria?.
In 2009, British girl group The Nolans performed the song live during there I’m in the Mood Again Tour, which was held to support their 2009 comeback album I’m in the Mood Again.
In 2010, Hong Kong singer G.E.M. recorded a cover version of the song, which is included in her album My Secret Limited Edition (2010).
The song was also played during the first season of Ghost Whisperer on an episode entitled “The Vanishing”.
◆ Covered in Contests or Competitions
On October 3, 2005, Roxane LeBrasse covered the song during the top nine show of the third season of Australian singing contest Australian Idol. Despite being well received by judges, she was eliminated that night.
On March 28, 2006, Katharine McPhee performed the track live on the 24th show of the fifth season of American Idol, which resulted McPhee as one of the bottom two. Simon Cowell compared McPhee’s abilities to those of Aguilera, commenting that her performance was almost as good as the original singer.
In 2010, the song was also performed by Jessica Robinson on Over the Rainbow.
On May 26, 2012, contestant Ruth Brown performed the song live during the semi-finals of the first season of The Voice UK, which left tears on her eyes. Brown revealed that the song was personal to her because she had a hard time at school. Judge Sir Tom Jones complimented her performance, “The story of the song means a lot to her, I think this girl is stronger than even she realises it herself”, “You didn’t just sing it, you lived it”.
On June 8, 2013, eleven-year-old Ariksandra Libantino sang the song during the final round of the seventh series of Britain’s Got Talent.
Chris Mann and Jacquie Lee, both contestants and team members of Aguilera’s team on The Voice, performed the track during the second and fifth seasons, respectively.
The song was performed live by Teodora Sava (15 years old at that time) in the Duels challenge at X Factor Romania 2017. Her performance was praised for the energetic vibe, getting applause even from her competitors, not only from the audience and judges, and securing her a place in the final live shows.
※FMおおつ 周波数79.1MHzでお楽しみください。