「FM OTSU ENGLISH HOUR」10月26日(土)午前8から8時30分「Wonderful Tonight — Eric Clapton」テキスト

released in 1977, from album “Slowhand”, written by Eric Clapton
Thank you for tuning in to the program.
Excited today to detail Eric Clapton singing “Wonderful Tonight”.
released in 1977(age 32) and included in the album “Slowhand”.
written about Pattie Boyd whom Eric Clapton married on March 27, 1979(age 34), two years after the release of the song.
One of the top 10 guitarists, got started by a toy guitar sent by her mother at his age 13 and worked hard.
Had a strange and difficult teenage era, has good friends such as Paul McCartney and George Harrison.
本日はエリック・クラプトンの Wonderful Tonight を深掘りします。
Wonderful Tonight (Wonderful Tonight – Wikipedia )
by Eric Clapton (born 30 March 1945, age 76)
from the album “Slowhand”
released in November, 1977 at his age 32
written on 7 September, 1976 for Pattie Boyd while waiting waiting for her to get ready to attend Paul and Linda McCartney’s annual Buddy Holly party in London.
Weekly charts:
#1 in Japanese International Singles (Oricon)
#2 in Netherlands
#3 in France
#5 in Belgium
#13 in Ireland
#16 in US Billboard Hot 100
#26 in New Zealands
#30 in UK Singles (Live)
#81 in UK Singles (Studio)
Wonderful Tonight (Wonderful Tonight – Wikipedia )
アルバム “Slowhand “より
オランダ 2位
フランス 3位
ベルギー 5位
アイルランド 13位
米国ビルボードホット100 16位
ニュージーランド 26位
英国シングル(ライブ) 30位
英国シングル(スタジオ) 81位
Key phrase: “the wonder of it all”: 全くもって奇跡
the wonder of it all : a fact which is not easily able to believe to be true
And the wonder of it all is that you just don’t realise how much I love you. (lyrics)
It is the wonder of it all that she passed the examination.
It is not the wonder of it all but a result of the tremendous amount of effort he has spent for 4 years.
There’s the wonder of sunset at evening,
The wonder as sunrise I see;
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
Is the wonder that God loves me.
(Lyrics from “The Wonder of It All” written by George Beverly Shea (February 1, 1909 – April 16, 2013) , an American Gospel Singer, and released in 1956)
(ジョージ・ビバリー・シー(1909年2月1日~2013年4月16日)、アメリカのゴスペル・シンガー、1956年発表の「The Wonder of It All」の歌詞)。
It is the wonder of it all that I have been living such a lovely life.
If he wins the prize, it should not be the wonder if it all because every researcher in the field admires his report.
Question to the listeners: Why does he believe that she does not know how much she is loved by him?
The lyrics read that it is the wonder that she does not realise how much he loves her, right? Why does he believes that she does not know how much he loves her?
Lyrics “Wonderful Tonight”
written by Eric Clapton
It’s late in the evening
She’s wondering what clothes to wear
She puts on her make up
And brushes her long blonde hair
And then she asks me, “Do I look alright?”
And I say, “Yes, you look wonderful tonight”
We go to a party
And everyone turns to see
This beautiful lady
That’s walking around with me
And then she asks me, “Do you feel alright?”
And I say, “Yes, I feel wonderful tonight”
I feel wonderful
Because I see the love light in your eyes
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don’t realize how much I love you
(“The wonder of it all”は、聖歌のタイトル)
It’s time to go home now
And I’ve got an aching head
So I give her the car keys
She helps me to bed
And then I tell her, as I turn out the light
I say, “My darling, you are wonderful tonight”
Oh my darling, you are wonderful tonight
Eric Clapton (Eric Clapton – Wikipedia )
Born: Eric Patrick Clapton, 30 March 1945 (age 76) at Ripley, Surrey, England, to 16-year-old Patricia Molly Clapton (7 January 1929 – March 1999, her age 70, Eric’s age 54) and Edward Walter Fryer (21 March 1920 – 15 May 1985), a 25-year-old soldier from Montreal, Quebec. Fryer was drafted to war before Clapton’s birth and then returned to Canada. Clapton grew up believing that his grandmother, Rose, and her second husband, Jack Clapp, Patricia’s stepfather, were his parents, and that his mother was actually his older sister. The similarity in surnames gave rise to the erroneous belief that Clapton’s real surname is Clapp (Reginald Cecil Clapton was the name of Rose’s first husband, Eric Clapton’s maternal grandfather). Years later, his mother married another Canadian soldier and moved to Germany, leaving Eric with his grandparents in Surrey.
Clapton received an acoustic Hoyer guitar, made in Germany, for his thirteenth birthday, but the inexpensive steel-stringed instrument was difficult to play and he briefly lost interest. Two years later he picked it up again and started playing consistently.
Spouse(s): Pattie Boyd (m. 1979; div. 1989: age 34 – 44), Melia McEnery (m. 2002: age 57)
Children: 5
生まれ: エリック・パトリック・クラプトン 1945年3月30日(76歳)イギリス・サリー州リプリーで。16歳のパトリシア・モリー・クラプトン(1929年1月7日 – 1999年3月、彼女70歳で死去、エリック54歳のとき)と、25歳の軍人エドワード・ウォルター・フライヤー(1920年3月21日 – 1985年5月15日)ケベック州のモントリオール出身の間に生まれる。フライヤーは、クラプトンが生まれる前に戦争に徴兵され、その後カナダに帰国している。クラプトンは、祖母のローズとその2番目の夫でパトリシアの継父であるジャック・クラップが自分の両親であり、母親は実は姉であると信じて成長した。苗字が似ていることから、クラプトンの本当の苗字はクラップ(レジナルド・セシル・クラプトンはローズの最初の夫、エリック・クラプトンの母方の祖父の名前)であるという誤った説を生んだ。数年後、母親は別のカナダ人兵士と結婚してドイツに移り、エリックは祖父母のいるサリー州に残された。
1963 – 1965 (age 18 – 20) The Yardbirds
influenced from American blues guitarists such as Buddy Guy, Freddie King and B.B. King.
Clapton replaced his own lead guitarist part with Jimmy Page and Jeff Beck, and left the band.
1965 – 1966 (age 20 – 21) John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers
Clapton gained a reputation as the best blues guitarist on the club circuit. Although Clapton gained world fame for his playing.
1966 – 1968 (age 21 – 23) Cream
During his time with Cream, Clapton began to develop as a singer, songwriter and guitarist.
Cream established its enduring legend with the high-volume blues jamming and extended solos of their live shows.
On 1 October 1966, top UK stars, including Clapton, Pete Townshend and members of the Rolling Stones and the Beatles, avidly attended Jimmy Hendrix’s early club performances. Hendrix’s arrival had an immediate and major effect on the next phase of Clapton’s career.
In 28 months, Cream had become a commercial success, selling millions of records and playing throughout the US and Europe.
Drug and alcohol use escalated tension between the three members, and conflicts between Bruce and Baker eventually led to Cream’s demise.
1968 – 1969 (age 23 – 24) George Harrison, the Beatles
In 1968, Clapton played the lead guitar solo on Harrison’s “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”, from the Beatles’ self-titled double album (also known as the “White Album”). Clapton went largely uncredited for his contributions to Harrison’s albums due to contractual restraints.
1968年、ジョージ・ハリソンに認められ “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”(ギターがむせびなくとき)の演奏でリード・ギターで参加
In January 1969, when the Beatles were recording and filming what became Let It Be, tensions became so acute that Harrison quit the group for several days, prompting John Lennon to suggest they complete the project with Clapton if Harrison did not return.
1969年、 Let It Beの制作中にジョージ・ハリソンがビートルズを「数日間脱退」したときに、ジョン・レノンは、「もしジョージが戻らないなら、クラプトンを代わりに入れよう」と提案した。
1969 – (age 24 -) Blind Faith, Plastic Ono Band, Delaney & Bonnie and Friends
1970 – 1971 (age 25 – 26) Derek and the Dominos, originally “Eric Clapton and Friends”
The eventual name was a fluke that occurred when the band’s provisional name of “Del and the Dynamos” was misread as Derek and the Dominos.
Clapton’s close friendship with George Harrison brought him into contact with Harrison’s wife, Pattie Boyd, with whom he became deeply infatuated.
Recording of a second Dominos studio album was underway when a clash of egos took place and Clapton walked out, thus disbanding the group.
1970- (age 25 -) Personal problems and early solo success
Clapton’s career successes in the 1970s were in stark contrast with the struggles he coped with in his personal life, which was troubled by romantic longings and drug and alcohol addiction.
Still infatuated with Pattie Boyd and torn by his friendship with Harrison, he withdrew from recording and touring to isolation in his Surrey residence as the Dominos broke up.
He nursed a heroin addiction, which resulted in a lengthy career hiatus.
His long hiatus was interrupted only by performing at Harrison’s Concert for Bangladesh benefit shows in New York in August 1971, where he passed out on stage, was revived, and managed to finish his performance.
In 1974 (age 29), Clapton started living with Patty Boyd (they would not marry until 1979) and was no longer using heroin (although he gradually began to drink heavily).
Paul and Linda McCartney’s annual Buddy Holly party
Buddy Holly (Buddy Holly – Wikipedia )
Charles Hardin Holley (September 7, 1936 – February 3, 1959, age 22), known as Buddy Holly, was an American singer-songwriter who was a central and pioneering figure of mid-1950s rock and roll.
He was a major influence on later popular music artists, including Bob Dylan, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, The Hollies (who named themselves in his honour), Elvis Costello, Dave Edmunds, Marshall Crenshaw (who later played Holly), and Elton John.
The Paul McCartney Project (Buddy Holly (artist) – The Paul McCartney Project (the-paulmccartney-project.com) )
Buddy Holly was completely different; he was out of Nashville, so that introduced us to the country music scene. I still like Buddy’s vocal style. And his writing. One of the main things about The Beatles is that we started out writing our own material. People these days take it for granted that you do, but nobody used to then. John and I started to write because of Buddy Holly. It was like, ‘Wow! He writes and is a musician’. (Paul McCartney)
The Beatles’ name was partly inspired by Holly’s backing group, The Crickets. All four members were keen Holly fans, and in 1976 McCartney bought the publishing rights to his songs.
The project has been holding an annual Buddy Holly week since 1976.
バディ・ホリー(バディ・ホリー – Wikipedia )
バディ・ホリーことチャールズ・ハーディン・ホリー(1936年9月7日 – 1959年2月3日、22歳)は、アメリカのシンガーソングライターで、1950年代半ばのロックンロールの中心的・先駆的な人物であった。
ポール・マッカートニー・プロジェクト(バディ・ホリー(アーティスト) – ポール・マッカートニー・プロジェクト(the-paulmccartney-project.com) )
バディ・ホリーは、ナッシュビルの出身で、カントリーミュージックを紹介してくれたのですが、それまでとは、まったく違っていました。私は今でもバディのボーカルスタイルが大好きです。そして、彼の書く曲も。ビートルズの大きな特徴のひとつは、自分たちで曲を書き始めたということです。今でこそ、自分たちで作るのが当たり前になっているけど、昔は誰もやらなかったこと。ジョンと私が作曲を始めたのは、バディ・ホリーがきっかけだったのです。「すごい! 彼は曲を書くし、ミュージシャンでもある」という感じでした。(ポール・マッカートニー)
Wonderful Today (Wonderful Today – Wikipedia )
Wonderful Today, subtitled The Autobiography, is the 2007 autobiography by English former fashion model and photographer Pattie Boyd, written with journalist and broadcaster Penny Junor.
It was published by Headline Review in Britain, on 23 August 2007, and by Harmony Books in the United States, where it was titled Wonderful Today: George Harrison, Eric Clapton, and Me.
Beginning with her childhood in Kenya, the book covers Boyd’s modelling career in London during the 1960s, her marriage to and divorce from Beatle George Harrison and later marriage and divorce of Harrison’s best friend, Eric Clapton. The book’s title is in reference to Clapton’s 1977 song “Wonderful Tonight”, which he wrote about Boyd.
ワンダフル・トゥデイ (Wonderful Today – Wikipedia )
Wonderful Today(ワンダフル トゥデイ)は、イギリスの元ファッションモデルで写真家のパティ・ボイド(エリック・クラプトンの最初の伴侶)が、ジャーナリストで放送作家のペニー・ジュナーとの共著で2007年に出版した自伝。
イギリスでは Headline Reviewから2007年8月23日に、アメリカではHarmony BooksからWonderful Today: George Harrison, Eric Clapton, and Me と題して出版された。
ケニアでの幼少期から始まり、1960年代のロンドンでのモデル活動、ビートルズのジョージ・ハリスンとの結婚・離婚、そしてハリスンの親友エリック・クラプトンとの結婚・離婚まで、ボイドの人生が描かれた本。本のタイトルは、クラプトンが1977年にボイドのことを書いた曲「Wonderful Tonight」にちなんでいる。
Answer to the question: Why does he believe that she does not know how much she is loved by him?
Maybe because of his feelings of guiltiness due to his problematic alcoholic tendency, he quoted the phrase from the popular hymn;
or, some of the three American guitarists that influenced him might have given an implicit suggestion with the phrase; they may be practical Christians.
What is your answer to the question when you sing this song?

※FMおおつ 周波数79.1MHzでお楽しみください。