「FM OTSU ENGLISH HOUR 10月5日(土)午前8時から8時30分 テキスト 「I Will Always Love You」

from soundtrack “The Bodyguard” released in 1992, written by Dolly Parton in 1973
Thank you for tuning in to the program.
Today we are going to talk about and listen to Whitney Houston singing “I Will Always Love You”.
Arranged in 1992 for Houston’s debut film “The Bodyguard”, in which she at her age 28 played an R&B singer, Rachel Marron, guarded by Kevin Costner at his age 37 as a former Secret Service agent, Frank Farmer; and they fell in love.
Written in 1974 and sung by Dolly Parton, reached the top of Billboard Hot Country Songs, Elvis Presley wanted to sing but she refused.
本日はホイットニー・ヒューストンが歌う「I Will Always Love You」をお送りします。
I Will Always Love You
by Whitney Houston (August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012; age 48)
from the album “The Bodyguard“
released on November 3, 1992
arranged for the soundtrack to the film “The Bodyguard”, Houston’s film debut
spent 14 weeks at the number-one spot of the Billboard Hot 100 chart, setting a new record at the time, becoming one of the best-selling singles of all time, and the best-selling single by a woman.
Key phrase: “I would only be in your way”
in the way, in someone’s way: forming an obstacle or hindrance to movement or action
If I should stay, I would only be in your way. (lyrics)
If I talked a lot about it, it would be in your way.
If I had been there beside you, I would only be in your way.
His head was in the way of my view. (OED)
She said to me: You are black young woman, but don’t let anybody stand in your way. (OED, Caribbean English)
彼女は私に言った。あなたは黒人の若い女性。でも、誰にも邪魔をさせないでね。 (OED、カリブ海英語)
You can’t just run over anybody who gets in your way! (OED, American English)
邪魔な奴は誰でも轢けばいいってもんじゃない! (OED、アメリカ英語)
Question to the listeners: Why does she say I would be in your way?
It is obvious that the first person thinks she’s forming an obstacle to the second person. Why?
Lyrics “I will Always Love You”
originally by Dolly Parton
from “The Bodyguard” soundtrack
If I should stay
I would only be in your way
So I’ll go, but I know
I’ll think of you each step of the way
And I will always love you
I will always love you
My darling you
Bittersweet memories
That’s all I’m taking with me
So goodbye, please don’t cry
We both know that I’m not what you need
さようなら 泣かないで
And I will always love you
I will always love you
I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you’ve dreamed of
And I’m wishing you joy and happiness
But above all of this, I’m wishing you love
(love は、joy and happinessと同様に名詞と解釈)
And I will always love you
I will always love you
The Bodyguard (1992 American film)
a 1992 American romantic thriller film directed by Mick Jackson, written by Lawrence Kasdan, and starring Kevin Costner, Whitney Houston (in her acting debut), Gary Kemp, Bill Cobbs and Ralph Waite.
The film follows a former United States Secret Service agent turned bodyguard who is hired to protect a famous actress and singer from an unknown stalker. Kasdan wrote the film in the mid-1970s, originally as a vehicle for Steve McQueen and Diana Ross. (The Bodyguard (1992 film) – Wikipedia )
元アメリカ合衆国シークレットサービスからボディガードに転身した男が、有名女優と歌手を正体不明のストーカーから守るために雇われる姿を描く。ローレンス・カスダン(Lawrence Kasdan)は1970年代半ばにこの映画を書き、当初はスティーブ・マックイーンとダイアナ・ロスのための作品として製作した模様。((The Bodyguard (1992 film) – Wikipedia)
Storyline: A pop singer has been receiving threatening notes, and her manager hires a bodyguard known for his good work. The bodyguard ruffles the singer’s feathers and most of her entourage by tightening security more than they feel is necessary. The bodyguard is haunted by the fact that he was on Reagan’s secret service staff but wasn’t there to prevent the attack by Hinckley. Eventually the bodyguard and the singer start an affair, and she begins to believe his precautions are necessary when the stalker strikes close to home.(The Bodyguard (1992) – IMDb )
ストーリー :あるシンガーのもとに脅迫状が届き、彼女のマネージャーは腕利きのボディーガードを雇う。そのボディーガードの警備は必要以上で、シンガーも側近も怒ってしまう。ボディガードには、レーガン大統領のシークレット・サービスでありながら、ヒンクレー(Hinckley)の襲撃を防げなかったトラウマがあった。やがてボディーガードとシンガーは恋仲になり、ストーカーが自宅近くを襲う事件で、彼の警戒が必要であったことを信じるようになる。
I Will Always Love You (Dolly Parton version)
written by Dolly Parton (January 19, 1946 – age 76) as her own song in 1973
released on March 11, 1974
as a farewell to her business partner and mentor Porter Wagoner, expressing her decision to pursue a solo career
twice reaching the top spot of Billboard Hot Country Songs: first in June 1974, then again in October 1982, with a re-recording for The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas soundtrack.
ドリー・パートンは、ビジネス・パートナーであり、師でもあったポーター・ワゴナー(Porter Wagoner)へのお別れのメッセージとして作曲。ソロ・キャリアを歩む決意を表明した。
1974年6月ビルボード・ホット・カントリー・ソングの首位を獲得、1982年10月には映画 The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas(テキサスの楽しいお宿)のサウンドトラックに再録され、2度目の首位を獲得した。
In 1974, Elvis Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977, age 42) at his age of 39 indicated that he wanted to cover the song. Parton was interested until Presley’s manager, Colonel Tom Parker, told her that it was standard procedure for the songwriter to sign over half of the publishing rights to any song Elvis recorded. Parton refused. She recalls:
I said, ‘I’m really sorry,’ and I cried all night. I mean, it was like the worst thing. You know, it’s like, Oh, my God… Elvis Presley.’ And other people were saying, ‘You’re nuts. It’s Elvis Presley.’ …I said, ‘I can’t do that. Something in my heart says, ‘Don’t do that. And I just didn’t do it… He would have killed it. But anyway, so he didn’t. Then when Whitney [Houston’s version] came out, I made enough money to buy Graceland.
私は、「本当に残念」と言って、一晩中泣いた。「あの、エルビス・プレスリーが。。。」と。他の人からは「バカじゃないの?エルビス・プレスリーでしょ!」と 言われた。でも私は「そんなことできない」と言った。心の中で何かが「やめろ」と言っていた。私には、この曲がエルビスに殺されてしまう、と感じた。とにかく渡さなかった。その後のホイットニー(ヒューストン・バージョン)では、私はグレイスランド(Glaceland, 豪邸)を買うのに十分な金額を得た。
recorded by may other artists including:
Linda Ronstadt, John Doe, Amber Riley, Leann Rimes and Sarah Washington
Whitney Houston (Whitney Houston – Wikipedia )
Born: Whitney Elizabeth Houston; August 9, 1963; Newark, New Jersey, U.S.
Died: February 11, 2012 (aged 48); Beverly Hills, California, U.S.
Cause of death: Drowning due to coronary artery disease and cocaine intoxication 冠動脈疾患, コカイン中毒, 溺死
Resting place: Fairview Cemetery, Westfield, New Jersey, U.S.
Education: Mount Saint Dominic Academy
Spouse: Bobby Brown (m. 1992; div. 2007)
Children: Bobbi Kristina Brown
Parent(s): Cissy Houston (mother)
Relatives: Gary Garland (half-brother), Dionne Warwick (cousin), Dee Dee Warwick (cousin), Leontyne Price (cousin)
Labels: Arista, RCA
Associated acts: Jermaine Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Bobby Brown, Mariah Carey, George Michael, CeCe Winans
Website: Home – Whitney Houston Official Site
ホイットニー・ヒューストン (Whitney Houston – Wikipedia )
死去: 2012年2月11日(48歳)、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州ビバリーヒルズ。
死因 : 冠動脈疾患とコカイン中毒による溺死 冠動脈疾患、コカイン中毒、溺死
安置場所: 米国ニュージャージー州ウェストフィールド、フェアビュー墓地
教育: マウント・セント・ドミニク・アカデミー
配偶者: ボビー・ブラウン (1992年結婚、2007年離婚)
子供: ボビ・クリスティーナ・ブラウン
両親 : シシー・ヒューストン(母)
親族: ゲイリー・ガーランド(異父兄弟)、ディオンヌ・ワーウィック(いとこ)、ディー・ディー・ワーウィック(いとこ)、レオンティーン・プライス(いとこ)
レーベル : アリスタ, RCA
関連アーティスト: ジャーメイン・ジャクソン、スティービー・ワンダー、ボビー・ブラウン、マライア・キャリー、ジョージ・マイケル、セセ・ワイナンス
ウェブサイト ホーム: Home – Whitney Houston Official Site
Answer to the question: Why does she say I would be in your way?
Because, Rachel in the film played by Whitney Houston has understood that her lifestyle is not suitable to his role in the situation; or
She has felt she will be in his way in the future even though they have fell in love; or
Dolly Parton respected her business partner who she left to encourage his way of business life without her.
What is your answer when you sing this?

※FMおおつ 周波数79.1MHzでお楽しみください。