FM OTSU ENGLISH HOUR」第46回「 Why Do Lovers Break Each Other’s Heart – Bob B. Soxx and the Blue Jeans」( 2月18日放送)テキスト

Why Do Lovers Break Each Other’s Heart – Bob B. Soxx and the Blue Jeans
from the album Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah
Released 1962
Genre Pop
Length 2:08
Label Philles
Songwriter(s) Phil Spector, Ellie Greenwich, Tony Powers
Producer(s) Phil Spector
“Oh, tell me why can’t lovers finish what they start”(なぜ恋人同士はゴールインできないの)と「そんな間柄」だからこその不安を、ドゥーワップ(doo-wop)のリズムに乗せて明るく歌う “Why Do Lovers Break Each Other’s Heart” by Bob B. Soxx and the Blue Jeans(意味:なぜ恋人同士は心を傷つけ合うの) をお聞きください。
Let’s enjoy Bob B. Soxx and the Blue Jeans’ song which describes the fragile sentiment specifically shared by the lovers in “Why Do Lovers Break Each Other’s Heart” on the doo-wop rhythm in the early 60s.
tell me why
Tell me why lovers have to drift apart. (from the lyrics, 一部変更)
Tell me why lovers can’t finish what they start. (from the lyrics, 一部変更)
Tell me why I can’t be promoted, please.
Tell me why you seem always fine.
Tell me why birds sing so gay.
■歌詞 Lyrics
Oppa-toom, oppa-toom, oppa-toom, oppa-toom,
Oppa-toom, oppa-toom, oppa-toom oppa-toom
Oppa-toom,oppa-toom, oppa-toom oppa-toom,
Oppa-toom, oppa-toom, oppa-toom oppa-toom
Oppa-toom, oppa-toom, oppa-toom oppa-toom
Why do lovers break each others hearts?
Oh, tell me why do lovers have to drift apart
When we met the world was right
Now I’m crying every night
Why do lovers break each others hearts?
Why do lovers break each others hearts?
Oh, tell me why can’t lovers finish what they start
A year ago we were one
Now just look at what we’ve done
Why do lovers break each others hearts?
Help me, help me, I don’t understand
Why we always hurt the ones we love
なぜ二人は愛しているのに傷つけあうの (注3)
Tell me, tell me where’s the life we planned
Where are the dreams
That we dream we’re dreaming oh-oh-oh-of?
Why do lovers break each others hearts?
Oh, tell me why do lovers have to drift apart
When we met the world was right
Now I’m crying every night
Why do lovers break each others hearts?
When we met the world was right
Now I’m crying every night
Why do lovers break each others hearts?
(注1)Oh, tell me why do lovers have to drift apart
drift apart: (of two or more people) gradually become less intimate or friendly.
(注2) Oh, tell me why can’t lovers finish what they start
finish は「始めたことの目的を達成する、成就する」という意味ですので、「ゴールイン」と訳しました。
(注3) Why we always hurt the ones we love
「なぜ、私たちが愛したものを傷つける(の?)」が直訳ですが、私たちが愛したもの(the ones we love)は「お互い」と解釈しました。
■ボビーソックス &ザ・ブルージーンズ(Bob B. Soxx & the Blue Jeans)
ボビーソックス &ザ・ブルージーンズは、1960年初頭のボーカルグループでそのメンバーは以下のとおり。
・Phil Spector Producer
・Bobby Sheen, Bob B. Soxx Lead vocal
・Darlene Love Backing vocalist
・Fanita James Backing vocalist
リードボーカルは Bobby Sheen/Bob B. Soxx ということになっているが、曲によってはDarlene Love がリードボーカルになったり、2人でリードボーカルを演じたりしている。
・”Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah”(1962) Bobby Sheen/Bob B. Soxxがリードボーカル
・”Why Do Lovers Break Each Other’s Heart” (1963) Darlene Loveがリードボーカル
・”Not Too Young to Get Married” (1963) 2人でリードボーカル
Bob B. Soxx & the Blue Jeans was an early 1960s vocal group produced by Phil Spector, and was initially conceived as a vehicle for the lead vocals of Bobby Sheen, who took the stage name Bob B. Soxx. The Blue Jeans were backing vocalists Darlene Love and Fanita James, both of whom were also members of the girl group the Blossoms.
Despite Sheen’s status as group leader, by the time the trio entered the recording studio, Spector was often using Love as the group’s primary vocalist. Sheen sang lead on the group’s first hit, 1962’s “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” (originally from the 1946 Disney movie, Song of the South). Love, meanwhile, handled the lead vocals on the follow-up single, 1963’s “Why Do Lovers Break Each Other’s Heart”. Sheen and Love shared lead vocal duties on the final single, “Not Too Young to Get Married”.
■ダーリーン・ラブ(Darlene Love)
ダーリーン・ライト(Darlene Wright, 1941年7月26日生まれ)は、舞台名ダーリーン・ラブ(Darlene Love)で知られる、アメリカのポピュラーミュージックシンガー、女優。
牧師の娘として、ゴスペル音楽を聴いて育ち、10歳で教会の聖歌隊で歌い始めた。彼女を知る人は、彼女を「ナイチンゲールの声」と表現。 彼女は、「コーラスは私の人生に大きな影響を与えた。私にとっての学習の場。合唱団で歌って、調和を学んだ」と言った。
Darlene Wright (born July 26, 1941), known by her stage name, Darlene Love, is an American popular music singer and actress.
As a minister’s daughter, she grew up listening to gospel music and was a dedicated member of her church. She began singing in her church choir at age ten. Those who knew her described her vocals as “a voice of a nightingale.” She claimed, “(singing in) the choir was a big influence on my life. I call it my learning ground. Singing in the choir, I learned harmony.”
■フランキーライモン(Frankie Lymon)に捧げて作曲された曲
今日の曲 “Why Do Lovers Break Each Other’s Heart” は、25歳で早逝の天才フランキーライモン(Frankie Lymon)に捧げて作曲された。
米国での最初のバージョンは、ボーカルグループ “Bob B. Soxx and the Blue Jeans” が、リードボーカルとしてダーリーン・ラブ(Darlene Love)を迎えて歌われ、1963年のビルボードホット100で38位になった。
“Why Do Lovers Break Each Other’s Heart”, sometimes shown as “Why Do Lovers Break Each Others Hearts” or “Why Do Lovers (Break Each Other’s Heart)”, is a pop song written by Phil Spector, Ellie Greenwich and Tony Powers. It was written as a tribute to Frankie Lymon, and was first recorded by Bob B. Soxx and the Blue Jeans. Their version featured lead vocals by Darlene Love, and reached no.38 on the Billboard Hot 100 in early 1963.
In the UK, the only hit version was by Showaddywaddy, whose recording reached no.22 on the UK singles chart in 1980.
■フランキーライモンとザ・ティーンエイジャーズ(the Teenagers)
フランキーライモンとザ・ティーンエイジャーズはその名の通りティーンエージャーのグループで、1956年最初のシングル”Why Do Fools Fall in Love”リリースの時点で、作曲者フランキーライモンは「13才」だった。
そのあまりに短い生涯は、1998年にドラマ”Why Do Fools Fall In Love” に描かれている。
The original lineup of the Teenagers, an integrated group, included three African-American members, Frankie Lymon, Jimmy Merchant, and Sherman Garnes; and two Puerto Rican members, Joe Negroni and Herman Santiago. The Teenagers’ first single, 1956’s “Why Do Fools Fall in Love,” was also its biggest hit. After Lymon went solo in mid-1957, both his career and that of the Teenagers fell into decline. He was found dead at the age of 25 on the floor of his grandmother’s bathroom from a heroin overdose. His life was dramatized in the 1998 film Why Do Fools Fall In Love.
■今日の曲は “Why Do Fools Fall In Love” の続編とも考えられる
25歳で早逝の天才フランキーライモンが13歳の時に作曲した “Why Do Fools Fall In Love” は今日の曲の前編とも考えられるような内容。
“Why Do Fools Fall In Love”
Oh wah, oh wah, oh wah, oh wah, oh wah, oh wah
Why do fools fall in love?
Why do birds sing so gay?
And lovers await the break of day
Why do they fall in love?
Why does the rain fall from up above?
Why do fools fall in love?
Why do they fall in love?
Love is a losing game
Love can be ashamed
I know of a fool
You see
For that fool is me
Tell me why, Whyyyy, Whyyy
Tell me why
Why do birds sing so gay?
And lovers await the break of day?
Why do they fall in love?
Why does the rain fall from up above?
Why do fools fall in love?
Why do they fall in love?
Why does my heart skip a crazy beat?
Before I know it will reach defeat!
Tell me why, Whyyyy, Whyy
Why do fools fall in love?
テレビ番組「フランキー・レイン・ショー」で「なぜ13歳の少年がこんな曲を作曲できたの?」と司会者(Frankie Laine)に問われて、フランキー・ライムは “Mr. Laine, I have been falling in love since I was only five. “(僕はたった5歳の時から恋に落ちている)と応えている。
Showaddywaddy are a pop/rock group from Leicester, England. They specialise in revivals of hit songs from the 1950s and early 1960s as well as original material and dress as Teddy Boys. Showaddywaddy spent a total of 209 weeks on the UK Singles Chart, and had 10 Top Ten singles, with one reaching number one.
※FMおおつ 周波数79.1MHzでお楽しみください。